Dance in the rain

Dance in the rain

October 16, 2023

Dance in the rain:

Dance in the rain.

Learn how to dance in the storm.

Life isn’t sunshine.

It isn’t 25 degrees sunny with no wind.

It’s stormy.

And windy.

And filled with fire.

And lightning.

And hurricanes.

There will always be a storm.

It may happen more often than not.




Climate change.


All problems.

All issues we have no control over.

But we have to deal with.

There is no playbook.

There is no guide

There is no blueprint for how to figure it all out.

You just have to try.

You have to show up.

You have to participate in this thing we call life.

We don’t need dancers in the sun.

We need dancers in the rain.

Dancers in the storm.

Dancers in the darkness.

Because life is not sunshine and rainbows.

The next decade will be tough.

Brutal in fact.

Probably the worst since the 1930s.

We’re headed down that direction.

Exploding debt.

Decline of an empire.

Political polarization.

Unimaginable wealth inequality.

Under investment in natural resources.

End of a long term debt cycle.

All of these set us up for a brutal decade.

And that assumes nothing comes from nature.

Whether you like it or not, you’re gonna have to deal with shit the next 10 years.

Family members dying.

Horrible news daily.

Job loss.

Housing loss.





It’s coming, whether you like it or not.

So what are you going to do about it?


Let it happen.

Control what you can.

Let go of what you can’t.

The Stoics nailed this.

They lived through times of war, famine and disease.

They saw death all around them.

But what could they do?

None of it was in their control.

All they could do was control their effort.

Control their work.

Control their mind.

They could choose to focus on what was in front of them.

And forget about everything else.

You have that choice.

As much as it seems like you don’t.

That doesn’t mean you can’t run from death or destruction.

It’ll be there forever.

But you can choose to accept it.

You can choose to learn from it.

You can choose to grow from it.

You can choose to enjoy the shit storm that is your life.

‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,

It’s about learning how to dance in the rain’ - Vivian Greene.

Anish display picture

Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Dance in the rain

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Oct 16, 2023
Dancing in darkness, a hard upcoming decade and controlling what you can

Dance in the rain:

Dance in the rain.

Learn how to dance in the storm.

Life isn’t sunshine.

It isn’t 25 degrees sunny with no wind.

It’s stormy.

And windy.

And filled with fire.

And lightning.

And hurricanes.

There will always be a storm.

It may happen more often than not.




Climate change.


All problems.

All issues we have no control over.

But we have to deal with.

There is no playbook.

There is no guide

There is no blueprint for how to figure it all out.

You just have to try.

You have to show up.

You have to participate in this thing we call life.

We don’t need dancers in the sun.

We need dancers in the rain.

Dancers in the storm.

Dancers in the darkness.

Because life is not sunshine and rainbows.

The next decade will be tough.

Brutal in fact.

Probably the worst since the 1930s.

We’re headed down that direction.

Exploding debt.

Decline of an empire.

Political polarization.

Unimaginable wealth inequality.

Under investment in natural resources.

End of a long term debt cycle.

All of these set us up for a brutal decade.

And that assumes nothing comes from nature.

Whether you like it or not, you’re gonna have to deal with shit the next 10 years.

Family members dying.

Horrible news daily.

Job loss.

Housing loss.





It’s coming, whether you like it or not.

So what are you going to do about it?


Let it happen.

Control what you can.

Let go of what you can’t.

The Stoics nailed this.

They lived through times of war, famine and disease.

They saw death all around them.

But what could they do?

None of it was in their control.

All they could do was control their effort.

Control their work.

Control their mind.

They could choose to focus on what was in front of them.

And forget about everything else.

You have that choice.

As much as it seems like you don’t.

That doesn’t mean you can’t run from death or destruction.

It’ll be there forever.

But you can choose to accept it.

You can choose to learn from it.

You can choose to grow from it.

You can choose to enjoy the shit storm that is your life.

‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,

It’s about learning how to dance in the rain’ - Vivian Greene.