10 Personal Finance/Investing Books That'll Teach You Everything You Need to Know about Money

10 Personal Finance/Investing Books That'll Teach You Everything You Need to Know about Money

June 5, 2022

10 Personal Finance/Investing books that’ll teach you everything you need to know about money

Personal finance and investing are concepts that we never get taught in school, yet are paramount to leading a successful life.

Following my last post on my top 10 personal development books, here are my top 10 investing books that’ll teach you everything you need to know about money (click the title for links to my notes)

Richer Wiser Happier - Interviews and life advice from some of the greatest investors alive 

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Understanding the basics of personal finance

The Simple path to wealth - Explains complicated investment terms in a simple way to make money over the long term

The Richest man in Babylon - Timeless investing principles as told in a great story

Personal MBA - Everything you learn in business school condensed into one book

Hot commodities - We’re at the beginning of a commodity supercycle in my opinion and this book teaches you how to understand and invest in the whole asset class

Poor Charlie’s Almanack - A collection of Charlie Munger’s best advice on investing, psychology and life

Psychology of money - Understanding how your behaviour and psychology dictate how you think about money

The next millionaire next door - How people became self-made millionaires in America over the last 50 years

Money Master the Game - Extensive research and many one-on-one interviews with the best investors in the world to understand the path to financial freedom

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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10 Personal Finance/Investing Books That'll Teach You Everything You Need to Know about Money

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Jun 5, 2022
My 10 favourite personal finance/investing books

10 Personal Finance/Investing books that’ll teach you everything you need to know about money

Personal finance and investing are concepts that we never get taught in school, yet are paramount to leading a successful life.

Following my last post on my top 10 personal development books, here are my top 10 investing books that’ll teach you everything you need to know about money (click the title for links to my notes)

Richer Wiser Happier - Interviews and life advice from some of the greatest investors alive 

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Understanding the basics of personal finance

The Simple path to wealth - Explains complicated investment terms in a simple way to make money over the long term

The Richest man in Babylon - Timeless investing principles as told in a great story

Personal MBA - Everything you learn in business school condensed into one book

Hot commodities - We’re at the beginning of a commodity supercycle in my opinion and this book teaches you how to understand and invest in the whole asset class

Poor Charlie’s Almanack - A collection of Charlie Munger’s best advice on investing, psychology and life

Psychology of money - Understanding how your behaviour and psychology dictate how you think about money

The next millionaire next door - How people became self-made millionaires in America over the last 50 years

Money Master the Game - Extensive research and many one-on-one interviews with the best investors in the world to understand the path to financial freedom