Connnect the dots

Connnect the dots

July 17, 2023

Day 1753 - Jul.17.23 - Connect the dots

Connect dots people can’t see. Show them how you think. Show them stuff that will teach them. That will help improve their lives. That’s it. Creating, helping and teaching people what things they didn’t know while also pursuing your dreams of being a writer full time. People don’t learn and share. Most people are stuck where they are. Never asking themselves questions. Holding themselves back from pursuing their dreams. Spending hours wasting away on apps designed to destroy your brain. They’re distracted. Let them be. Means those paying attention, learning and taking risks will thrive. The world is going to go through some shit. History has been clear about that. I don’t know when but it’s coming this next decade, if not sooner. So provide info and knowledge to them. Show them the way. Show them how to be better people in whatever small way you can. You don’t know if you’ll make it through but no matter what, keep living every day to the fullest and sharing your gift to the world. You did something meaningful with your life. You’re a productive member of society. Don’t ever forget that. What you’ve done puts anyone else to shame. No one has lived the life you have. So go show the world. Connect the dots.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Connnect the dots

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Jul 17, 2023
Day 1753 - Jul.17.23 - Connect the dots

Day 1753 - Jul.17.23 - Connect the dots

Connect dots people can’t see. Show them how you think. Show them stuff that will teach them. That will help improve their lives. That’s it. Creating, helping and teaching people what things they didn’t know while also pursuing your dreams of being a writer full time. People don’t learn and share. Most people are stuck where they are. Never asking themselves questions. Holding themselves back from pursuing their dreams. Spending hours wasting away on apps designed to destroy your brain. They’re distracted. Let them be. Means those paying attention, learning and taking risks will thrive. The world is going to go through some shit. History has been clear about that. I don’t know when but it’s coming this next decade, if not sooner. So provide info and knowledge to them. Show them the way. Show them how to be better people in whatever small way you can. You don’t know if you’ll make it through but no matter what, keep living every day to the fullest and sharing your gift to the world. You did something meaningful with your life. You’re a productive member of society. Don’t ever forget that. What you’ve done puts anyone else to shame. No one has lived the life you have. So go show the world. Connect the dots.