US election

US election

November 3, 2020

Day 744 – Day 239 Q – Nov.3.20 – US election

Either today is the end of the democratic world as we know it or there’s some hope for a collaborative future that has ethics and trusts science. The results won’t come out for weeks possibly and Trump is going to do everything in his power to discredit the process over the next few weeks, but how strong are the American institutions of government? That’s an open question where I don’t think anyone would’ve thought it would come to this. Regardless, you have to keep living your life for you because of all of it is mostly noise. Trying to distract your from the life in front of your eyes. Headlines and clickbait articles to participate in a relatively meaningless conversation in the sense that you’re not really getting to the bottom of anyone’s opinion. So just block out the noise and listen for the sounds. The sounds of change, inspiration, positivity, family, friends and experiences. Those are the sounds that matter and that’s what you should spend your time worrying about. If you can maximize those things, you’ll be a pretty happy camper. Block out the noise and haters and go live.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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US election

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Nov 3, 2020
Day 744 – Day 239 Q – Nov.3.20 – US election

Day 744 – Day 239 Q – Nov.3.20 – US election

Either today is the end of the democratic world as we know it or there’s some hope for a collaborative future that has ethics and trusts science. The results won’t come out for weeks possibly and Trump is going to do everything in his power to discredit the process over the next few weeks, but how strong are the American institutions of government? That’s an open question where I don’t think anyone would’ve thought it would come to this. Regardless, you have to keep living your life for you because of all of it is mostly noise. Trying to distract your from the life in front of your eyes. Headlines and clickbait articles to participate in a relatively meaningless conversation in the sense that you’re not really getting to the bottom of anyone’s opinion. So just block out the noise and listen for the sounds. The sounds of change, inspiration, positivity, family, friends and experiences. Those are the sounds that matter and that’s what you should spend your time worrying about. If you can maximize those things, you’ll be a pretty happy camper. Block out the noise and haters and go live.

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