Open: An Autobiography

Open: An Autobiography

Open: An Autobiography
Andre Agassi


An extremely insightful look into the pressure of being a professional athlete while also hating the sport you play

For more info, see here


Life will throw everything but the kitchen sink at you, then it will throw the kitchen sink. It’s your job to avoid them

Figure out which butterflies are in your stomach and take advantage of them

Famous people are insecure, mundane and often hate what they do

Don’t chase perfection because it doesn’t exist, stay consistent

Living is fighting through the pain and relieving it of others

‘I am the master of my fate, captain of my soul’ – Nelson Mandela

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Open: An Autobiography

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Summary & Notes

Open: An Autobiography
Andre Agassi


An extremely insightful look into the pressure of being a professional athlete while also hating the sport you play

For more info, see here


Life will throw everything but the kitchen sink at you, then it will throw the kitchen sink. It’s your job to avoid them

Figure out which butterflies are in your stomach and take advantage of them

Famous people are insecure, mundane and often hate what they do

Don’t chase perfection because it doesn’t exist, stay consistent

Living is fighting through the pain and relieving it of others

‘I am the master of my fate, captain of my soul’ – Nelson Mandela