Winners Never Cheat

Winners Never Cheat

Winners Never Cheat
John Huntsman


From someone who started with practically nothing to become a self-made multi-billionaire, John talks about the principles it took him to get there, even through the most difficult times

For more info, see here


It has never been easier to make money or injure traditional values in doing so

Nice guys really can and do finish first in life

Values aren’t modelled for certain situations, they are etched in us as natural impulses that never go out of style

Succeeding or getting to the top by all costs is an immoral goal

Your reputation is how others perceive you. Character is how you act when no one is watching

Carefully choose your partners and never give or accept bribes

Trust is a greater compliment than affection. With integrity comes respect

Risk, responsibility, reliability - the 3 Rs of leadership

Leaders are called to enter arenas where success is covered by the warranty, where public failure is a real possibility

Difficulty is the one excuse history never accepts

Many of today’s boards are social clubs that do a poor job of protecting the long term interest of shareholders

One’s word being one’s bond has been replaced w/ one’s word being subject to legal review

Only listen to lawyers for a 2nd opinion. Your opinion should be first and last

When negotiating, seek out players you can trust, keep the lawyers on the bench

Your word is your greatest asset: honesty is your best virtue

Family and friends are the livelihood and legacy of our lives

‘Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing yourself is enlightenment’ - Lao Tzu

Surround yourself with associates that have the courage to say no

Some people earn admiration and respect. If you must choose, always go for respect

Revenge is unhealthy and unproductive. Learn to move on

The ultimate payback is success

Every day eulogies are being written. How do you want to be remembered?

Each of us has a stake in the accomplishments of those around us

Family comes first and not next year because next year may never come

Nobody is completely self-made: return the favours and good fortunes

Donations don’t always have to be money. Time is more precious than dollars

True giving is doing something for someone who can never repay you

No exercise is better for the human heart than reaching down and lifting another up

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Winners Never Cheat

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Summary & Notes

Winners Never Cheat
John Huntsman


From someone who started with practically nothing to become a self-made multi-billionaire, John talks about the principles it took him to get there, even through the most difficult times

For more info, see here


It has never been easier to make money or injure traditional values in doing so

Nice guys really can and do finish first in life

Values aren’t modelled for certain situations, they are etched in us as natural impulses that never go out of style

Succeeding or getting to the top by all costs is an immoral goal

Your reputation is how others perceive you. Character is how you act when no one is watching

Carefully choose your partners and never give or accept bribes

Trust is a greater compliment than affection. With integrity comes respect

Risk, responsibility, reliability - the 3 Rs of leadership

Leaders are called to enter arenas where success is covered by the warranty, where public failure is a real possibility

Difficulty is the one excuse history never accepts

Many of today’s boards are social clubs that do a poor job of protecting the long term interest of shareholders

One’s word being one’s bond has been replaced w/ one’s word being subject to legal review

Only listen to lawyers for a 2nd opinion. Your opinion should be first and last

When negotiating, seek out players you can trust, keep the lawyers on the bench

Your word is your greatest asset: honesty is your best virtue

Family and friends are the livelihood and legacy of our lives

‘Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing yourself is enlightenment’ - Lao Tzu

Surround yourself with associates that have the courage to say no

Some people earn admiration and respect. If you must choose, always go for respect

Revenge is unhealthy and unproductive. Learn to move on

The ultimate payback is success

Every day eulogies are being written. How do you want to be remembered?

Each of us has a stake in the accomplishments of those around us

Family comes first and not next year because next year may never come

Nobody is completely self-made: return the favours and good fortunes

Donations don’t always have to be money. Time is more precious than dollars

True giving is doing something for someone who can never repay you

No exercise is better for the human heart than reaching down and lifting another up