The Next Civil War - Dispatches from the American Future

The Next Civil War - Dispatches from the American Future

The Next Civil War - Dispatches from the American Future
Steven Marche


A thought experiment on what America's next civil war would look like including opinions from the world's leading experts


The collapse will arrive sooner and more suddenly than anyone expects, but it won’t be a surprise

More police brutality will occur and riots will come

Intelligence services of foreign countries are preparing documents on the possibility of America’s collapse

The next civil war will be a war over meaning

The hard right has strategically infiltrated law enforcement

Virality concentrates attention - expect a lot of polarization and crazy theories

As privilege declines, violence increases

The US will soon enter a period of radical instability no matter who’s in power or what policies are expected

We live in a period of cheap food and safe cities in an orderly world. That will not last

Inequality and climate change will cause the disasters ordinary Americans will feel acutely

The rich know what historians know: every society in human history with levels of inequality like in the US descend into war, revolution or plague - no exceptions

The future of America will involve severe drought, economic downturn and the erosion of major coastal cities

The violence that imposes order to control violence produces more violence and more disorder

Who controls the military is the most important question

All information will become propaganda

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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The Next Civil War - Dispatches from the American Future

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Summary & Notes

The Next Civil War - Dispatches from the American Future
Steven Marche


A thought experiment on what America's next civil war would look like including opinions from the world's leading experts


The collapse will arrive sooner and more suddenly than anyone expects, but it won’t be a surprise

More police brutality will occur and riots will come

Intelligence services of foreign countries are preparing documents on the possibility of America’s collapse

The next civil war will be a war over meaning

The hard right has strategically infiltrated law enforcement

Virality concentrates attention - expect a lot of polarization and crazy theories

As privilege declines, violence increases

The US will soon enter a period of radical instability no matter who’s in power or what policies are expected

We live in a period of cheap food and safe cities in an orderly world. That will not last

Inequality and climate change will cause the disasters ordinary Americans will feel acutely

The rich know what historians know: every society in human history with levels of inequality like in the US descend into war, revolution or plague - no exceptions

The future of America will involve severe drought, economic downturn and the erosion of major coastal cities

The violence that imposes order to control violence produces more violence and more disorder

Who controls the military is the most important question

All information will become propaganda