We're entering the endgame

We're entering the endgame

April 14, 2021

We’re entering the endgame (AMC & GME):


Just watched the interview with Adam Aron, the CEO of AMC, and Trey from Trey’s Trades.


He essentially killed all the short sellers' hopes. He said publicly, and therefore has to file with the SEC, that AMC will not issue a single new share of stock in 2021.


He’s killed any hopes of the shorts making profit.


They’re finished.


Now the question is how high does the short squeeze go?


It could go exponential.


It depends on how many people sell and at what prices.


Given the sentiment online, it looks like it could explode.


When it does, the entire market and global financial system will go berserk.


Watched Cathie Wood today about Coinbase being a thousand dollar stock and Tesla maintaining it’s lofty valuation. Come on Cathie. I have so much respect for what you created and accomplished with ARK, but you can’t be this foolish. I know you have to tell the investors that everything is great because you’re incentive as a public ETF company is to get more money in. But these valuations are approaching insanity. Tesla being valued more than the entire car market makes zero sense. Coinbase being valued more than the NYSE and NASDAQ…COMBINED at $100 billion dollars makes no sense. Once margin calls start happening and valuations dip, ARK Invest might be finished.


I don’t think they’ll survive when this crash happens. A lot of folks won’t survive, particularly hedge funds.


The Internet will always be undefeated. As people online like to say ‘we can be retarded longer than they (hedge funds) can be solvent.’ Never underestimate the power of the Internet as a collective.


Gamestop and AMC are the catalysts that blow this whole thing up. When it blows up, it could be unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. Something that rivals what happened in 1929, 1987 and 2000. It could be even bigger than that.


Never had more confidence that this short squeeze is coming.


Retail is about to crush institutions. Citadel might go out of business. Tons of hedge funds will go out of business. Trillions of dollars in paper value will disappear across the markets. There will be thousands of new millionaires created around the world, just by holding shares that hedge funds decided to take out.


Then what?


We’ll find out.


We’re entering the endgame.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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We're entering the endgame

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Apr 14, 2021
We're entering the endgame for shorts in AMC/GME

We’re entering the endgame (AMC & GME):


Just watched the interview with Adam Aron, the CEO of AMC, and Trey from Trey’s Trades.


He essentially killed all the short sellers' hopes. He said publicly, and therefore has to file with the SEC, that AMC will not issue a single new share of stock in 2021.


He’s killed any hopes of the shorts making profit.


They’re finished.


Now the question is how high does the short squeeze go?


It could go exponential.


It depends on how many people sell and at what prices.


Given the sentiment online, it looks like it could explode.


When it does, the entire market and global financial system will go berserk.


Watched Cathie Wood today about Coinbase being a thousand dollar stock and Tesla maintaining it’s lofty valuation. Come on Cathie. I have so much respect for what you created and accomplished with ARK, but you can’t be this foolish. I know you have to tell the investors that everything is great because you’re incentive as a public ETF company is to get more money in. But these valuations are approaching insanity. Tesla being valued more than the entire car market makes zero sense. Coinbase being valued more than the NYSE and NASDAQ…COMBINED at $100 billion dollars makes no sense. Once margin calls start happening and valuations dip, ARK Invest might be finished.


I don’t think they’ll survive when this crash happens. A lot of folks won’t survive, particularly hedge funds.


The Internet will always be undefeated. As people online like to say ‘we can be retarded longer than they (hedge funds) can be solvent.’ Never underestimate the power of the Internet as a collective.


Gamestop and AMC are the catalysts that blow this whole thing up. When it blows up, it could be unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. Something that rivals what happened in 1929, 1987 and 2000. It could be even bigger than that.


Never had more confidence that this short squeeze is coming.


Retail is about to crush institutions. Citadel might go out of business. Tons of hedge funds will go out of business. Trillions of dollars in paper value will disappear across the markets. There will be thousands of new millionaires created around the world, just by holding shares that hedge funds decided to take out.


Then what?


We’ll find out.


We’re entering the endgame.