Stay disciplined

Stay disciplined

December 7, 2020

Day 777 – Day 272 Q – Dec.7.20 – Stay disciplined (investing strategy)

Stay disciplined. You have to stick with what you know and how much conviction you have behind an idea. You will hear a lot of noise about the news and things around you. That’s ok. Listen, understand but stay disciplined. Stay consistent. Stay within where you are and be patient. Let things happen as they will. Remember that you’re only looking for sustainable long term growth and that minor price fluctuations aren’t that important. You want to invest and forget. Check the portfolio every so often, invest on a 6-month basis, but continue to stay disciplined. The investing game is so interesting because there’s a lot that you have top do in terms of homework and research, or a lot you can do. But ultimately it’s about conviction in your own ideas and beliefs. Sometimes these beliefs are wrong and that’s ok because that’s how you learn. But you have to be able to stand behind what you believe in and see how these things play out. Capital allocation is ultimately putting your money behind ideas that you think will win out and an understanding of where the world is going. People will question what you’re doing because it goes against the traditional idea of how you should invest. But that’s ok. You have to be willing to look like an idiot and see how it plays out over time. You cannot be afraid or scared of your own beliefs because they’re yours. Question them and ask how you’ve come to make decisions but ultimately you need to commit. Be all in.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Stay disciplined

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Dec 7, 2020
Dec.7.20 – Day 272 Q – Dec.7.20 – Stay disciplined (investing strategy)

Day 777 – Day 272 Q – Dec.7.20 – Stay disciplined (investing strategy)

Stay disciplined. You have to stick with what you know and how much conviction you have behind an idea. You will hear a lot of noise about the news and things around you. That’s ok. Listen, understand but stay disciplined. Stay consistent. Stay within where you are and be patient. Let things happen as they will. Remember that you’re only looking for sustainable long term growth and that minor price fluctuations aren’t that important. You want to invest and forget. Check the portfolio every so often, invest on a 6-month basis, but continue to stay disciplined. The investing game is so interesting because there’s a lot that you have top do in terms of homework and research, or a lot you can do. But ultimately it’s about conviction in your own ideas and beliefs. Sometimes these beliefs are wrong and that’s ok because that’s how you learn. But you have to be able to stand behind what you believe in and see how these things play out. Capital allocation is ultimately putting your money behind ideas that you think will win out and an understanding of where the world is going. People will question what you’re doing because it goes against the traditional idea of how you should invest. But that’s ok. You have to be willing to look like an idiot and see how it plays out over time. You cannot be afraid or scared of your own beliefs because they’re yours. Question them and ask how you’ve come to make decisions but ultimately you need to commit. Be all in.