Invest in the next generation

Invest in the next generation

July 28, 2022

Invest in the next generation:

Invest in the next generation.

The people behind you.

Teach what you know to those following in your footsteps.

Share what you wish you knew when you were at their stage.

Don’t hold all the knowledge in your head.

Pay it forward.

Invest in them so that when they make it, they’ll invest back in you.

Teach the people following you how to be better than you ever were, whether it’s your siblings or young people who are looking up to you.

Teach them the lessons and skills you wish you had.

If you do that on a long enough time scale, you’ll win.

But not only you, they’ll win.

So many more people will have access to information and insights they wouldn’t otherwise have.

Was speaking to an old friend of mine today about the idea I have to start this media business.

About how I want to create content across multiple forms of media that teach people rather than the standard garbage we see all the time.

Everyone’s spending way too much time on their phones scrolling through social media, listening to podcasts/audiobooks or watching Youtube videos.

Why not create content that teaches them?

Not only teaches them but also is the stuff you want to see?

The stuff you wish someone told you when you were a young kid.

That’s what I want to do for the next generation.

Invest in them so they can create a lasting positive impact in the world.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Invest in the next generation

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Jul 28, 2022
Paying it forward, giving away your knowledge and teaching young people

Invest in the next generation:

Invest in the next generation.

The people behind you.

Teach what you know to those following in your footsteps.

Share what you wish you knew when you were at their stage.

Don’t hold all the knowledge in your head.

Pay it forward.

Invest in them so that when they make it, they’ll invest back in you.

Teach the people following you how to be better than you ever were, whether it’s your siblings or young people who are looking up to you.

Teach them the lessons and skills you wish you had.

If you do that on a long enough time scale, you’ll win.

But not only you, they’ll win.

So many more people will have access to information and insights they wouldn’t otherwise have.

Was speaking to an old friend of mine today about the idea I have to start this media business.

About how I want to create content across multiple forms of media that teach people rather than the standard garbage we see all the time.

Everyone’s spending way too much time on their phones scrolling through social media, listening to podcasts/audiobooks or watching Youtube videos.

Why not create content that teaches them?

Not only teaches them but also is the stuff you want to see?

The stuff you wish someone told you when you were a young kid.

That’s what I want to do for the next generation.

Invest in them so they can create a lasting positive impact in the world.