The world is so random

The world is so random

March 29, 2021

Day 894 - Day 384 Q - Mar.29.21 - The world is so random

Trying to make sense of the world is tough. It’s so random yet makes sense, especially when you begin to understand concepts across subject areas. History, psychology and economics can explain the upcoming crisis. It’s basically 07/08 but with over leveraged hedge funds getting margin called. The question is how implicated are the other funds invested in these hedge funds, particularly the banks. Because the banks can’t fail. Hedge funds and market makers should be allowed to fail. If Citadel gets caught in a shitty trade because of its short position, it better not get bailed out by the government, otherwise you have much bigger problems. Socially, people are not going to let a big fund get bailed out. If rich people lose money and their net worth, so be it. But you can’t give them taxpayer money. Look at the incentives. The incentives of these banks and financiers is to make them and their clients money. If they know they’ll always have a backstop in the US government, why would they change their behaviour and not continue to take major risks? Being a contrarian thinker is really tough because at the moment, everyone thinks you're an idiot. But they’ll know when it happens. When it happens, the world will know. You’ll see. Just wait. Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. You’ve been waiting for your opportunity to announce yourself to the world. Well here’s your time. Enjoy the ride.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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The world is so random

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Mar 29, 2021
Day 894 - Day 384 Q - Mar.29.21 - The world is so random

Day 894 - Day 384 Q - Mar.29.21 - The world is so random

Trying to make sense of the world is tough. It’s so random yet makes sense, especially when you begin to understand concepts across subject areas. History, psychology and economics can explain the upcoming crisis. It’s basically 07/08 but with over leveraged hedge funds getting margin called. The question is how implicated are the other funds invested in these hedge funds, particularly the banks. Because the banks can’t fail. Hedge funds and market makers should be allowed to fail. If Citadel gets caught in a shitty trade because of its short position, it better not get bailed out by the government, otherwise you have much bigger problems. Socially, people are not going to let a big fund get bailed out. If rich people lose money and their net worth, so be it. But you can’t give them taxpayer money. Look at the incentives. The incentives of these banks and financiers is to make them and their clients money. If they know they’ll always have a backstop in the US government, why would they change their behaviour and not continue to take major risks? Being a contrarian thinker is really tough because at the moment, everyone thinks you're an idiot. But they’ll know when it happens. When it happens, the world will know. You’ll see. Just wait. Be patient. Good things come to those who wait. You’ve been waiting for your opportunity to announce yourself to the world. Well here’s your time. Enjoy the ride.