We need accountability for those at the top

We need accountability for those at the top

March 3, 2022

Day 1253 - Mar.3.22 - We need accountability for those at the top

Build your own media. Build the content you want to see. Show the world what you read. Expect a lot backlash and hatred along the way but stick to the message. Stick to telling your truth whether or not people call you a liar or not. Talk your shit. Air it out. Call out people in power for the shit they’re getting away with with no accountability. Those central bankers and financial executives pay no price for taking the insane risks they’re allowed to take. They pay no penalty by those who write the law for stealing from everyone and lining their own pockets. Wall Street is a rigged market for those at the top and they pay pennis on the dollar in fines to continue their charade of stealing from the public. It’s fucking ridiculous and has got to stop. Gary Gensler talked to Jon Stewart about how things need to be settled in court but you can go up to battle in the court of public opinion. Go wage the battle. Be a part of the movement of people who are challenging the guys at the top. The people will rise up and you should contribute as much as you can to them. Educate the people, we all need it.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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We need accountability for those at the top

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Mar 3, 2022
Day 1253 - Mar.3.22 - We need accountability for those at the top

Day 1253 - Mar.3.22 - We need accountability for those at the top

Build your own media. Build the content you want to see. Show the world what you read. Expect a lot backlash and hatred along the way but stick to the message. Stick to telling your truth whether or not people call you a liar or not. Talk your shit. Air it out. Call out people in power for the shit they’re getting away with with no accountability. Those central bankers and financial executives pay no price for taking the insane risks they’re allowed to take. They pay no penalty by those who write the law for stealing from everyone and lining their own pockets. Wall Street is a rigged market for those at the top and they pay pennis on the dollar in fines to continue their charade of stealing from the public. It’s fucking ridiculous and has got to stop. Gary Gensler talked to Jon Stewart about how things need to be settled in court but you can go up to battle in the court of public opinion. Go wage the battle. Be a part of the movement of people who are challenging the guys at the top. The people will rise up and you should contribute as much as you can to them. Educate the people, we all need it.