Maybe You're Delusional

Maybe You're Delusional

March 21, 2021

Maybe you’re delusional:


Maybe you’re delusional. Maybe you don’t know what’s going to happen in the stock market. Are you ok with that? You’re identity right now is being built on predicting the future. What if you’re wrong? What if you don’t know as much you know?


I don’t know. I know if I don’t take the risk in the first place and think differently compared to everyone else, I’ll never be successful. Am I ok with that? I don’t know. At what point do you have to step back and just do what you’re doing every day?


I’m not built like that. The last 2.5 years have taught me if you just learn little by little every day, that knowledge compounds exponentially. You start to think about the world from a very different perspective. You begin to understand concepts like incentives to figure out how people make decisions. You never knew that information before. If you learn people’s psychologies better than themselves, you can use that to your advantage. You have a leg up on the rest of the world.

I want to be playing chess while the rest of the world is playing checkers. Most people are caught up in the day to day. In the seeing their family and having dinner and thinking about kids’ schools and responsibilities and bank statements and mortgages and everything else. They don’t have time to think for themselves. They’re so focused on the next thing.


I got lucky. I had an ability to be on my own and the privilege to be able to travel to where I did. When you have experiences happen to you, it’s completely different than reading about it. I’m sure tons of people read about poverty that happens abroad, but until they visit those places, they don’t know. They can’t grasp it. They can’t understand there are millions of people in a single place that are suffering because of nothing other than luck.


If someone was born into my situation, could they have done the same thing? No. They wouldn’t think like you. Each person thinks in an entirely different way. As much as we can learn about psychology and how people make decisions, it still is not 100% because we have no idea how the brain works. There are many specialities in medicine like psychiatry, neurosurgery and neurology that all deal with the brain in a clinical setting. We still can’t replicate a brain.


This is what’s happening with AI right now. People are talking about an Ai that learns for itself and can influence and act like a human, and I don’t think that’s happening that soon. Naval talks about this a lot, and I tend to think he’s right.


AI is really good at analyzing data. It’s really good at taking massive data sets and learning through patterns to understand how to make predictions. Those predictions are not 100% right, but over time, with the more data they can collect, the closer they can get to that. That’s what happening in the AI race right now. How much data can companies’ aggregate to have their AI algorithms learn? Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Tesla, etc. As Yuval Noah Harrari says, those who control the data will control the 21st century.


Right now that place is China.


Their AI and algorithms must be so much further advanced than what we know in America and the Western world. You can’t get information out of China since all the media is controlled by the government. You don’t really know how much power and access they have. They’re building such a strong internal economy that eventually they don’t need other countries to import into their country. They’re becoming more self-reliant. This is huge.


They invested heavily in manufacturing in the last 20-30 years and quickly created jobs and brought people out of poverty. They’re building hospitals in days. They’re building buildings and cities in a few weeks. They’re so much farther ahead from a production capacity. America just can’t compete, especially when most of the population is not getting a great education and people are so focused on politics.


Imagine how powerful the Chinese governments’ AI is right now.


They have access to so much data. Every company is owned by the state. The state owns all the data for each company. It’s the law. This is what the movie on Netflix – The China Hustle – talked about. All the accounting standards could be totally crap. They don’t have to keep track and uphold any law.


Although you have billionaires in China rising to great heights, the state owns you. Look at Jack Ma. This person who excelled and was a fantastic example of great leadership from a great Chinese company that’s known globally. Yet he ‘disappeared’ for 3 months before appearing in public again. He was called to Beijing because of how he spoke out against the government when ANT had its IPO.


Look at what Pinduoduo CEO/Chairman did in retiring. One of the biggest companies in China and the founder resigns from the board and others to focus on ‘other technologies’. Good for him but Chinese billionaires can’t speak out against the government.


Is this what the world is going to turn into? China instituting its domestic political agenda in other countries? I don’t think so because I still do believe democracy rules over all. But given the instability that could happen around the world with the devaluing of the US dollar, a lot of countries in the world are going to undergo huge changes. The fight for survival. It’s happening in Myanmar right now. The army controls the state. They overtook the government.


I think this is going to happen a lot more in the next decade. Feels similar to what happened during the cold war. People’s fight for power. Dictators and autocrats rising up. Who’s going to control the ownership of countries? Who knows but it’s going to be fascinating to watch.


This is the thing though about the future. It’s so unpredictable. Who the hell knows what’s going to happen? No one.


If you guess what it could look like, and you do that 10 times, if 5 out of 10 times you’re right, you could change your life forever. Your decision-making and judgement go up 100x with just a 10% better decision making capacity than the next person. The power of infinite leverage.


If I’m right about my bets like shorting the dollar, thinking inflation is coming, thinking the stock market is about to collapse, and AMC going to the moon, my life will change forever.


People may be reading this now who just started reading what I’ve written because I’ve been featured in a profile on a major publication.


Hello folks. Glad you could join the ride that is my mind.


Have fun. Enjoy your life. Live your truth. Spend time with people you enjoy. Take risks. Don’t value other people’s opinion of you more than your own opinion of you. Don’t let other people hold you back. Do what you want to do. Learn about the Internet. Learn about its power. Learn about creating, monetizing, distributing, and selling you and your brand. It can be exponentially valuable. No matter where you are in the world. You have the ability to change your future, but it’s in your hands. Bet on yourself. Every day.


I may be completely delusional, but that’s how you make your mark.


Why not me?

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Maybe You're Delusional

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Mar 21, 2021
Perspective, AI, China, and betting on the future.

Maybe you’re delusional:


Maybe you’re delusional. Maybe you don’t know what’s going to happen in the stock market. Are you ok with that? You’re identity right now is being built on predicting the future. What if you’re wrong? What if you don’t know as much you know?


I don’t know. I know if I don’t take the risk in the first place and think differently compared to everyone else, I’ll never be successful. Am I ok with that? I don’t know. At what point do you have to step back and just do what you’re doing every day?


I’m not built like that. The last 2.5 years have taught me if you just learn little by little every day, that knowledge compounds exponentially. You start to think about the world from a very different perspective. You begin to understand concepts like incentives to figure out how people make decisions. You never knew that information before. If you learn people’s psychologies better than themselves, you can use that to your advantage. You have a leg up on the rest of the world.

I want to be playing chess while the rest of the world is playing checkers. Most people are caught up in the day to day. In the seeing their family and having dinner and thinking about kids’ schools and responsibilities and bank statements and mortgages and everything else. They don’t have time to think for themselves. They’re so focused on the next thing.


I got lucky. I had an ability to be on my own and the privilege to be able to travel to where I did. When you have experiences happen to you, it’s completely different than reading about it. I’m sure tons of people read about poverty that happens abroad, but until they visit those places, they don’t know. They can’t grasp it. They can’t understand there are millions of people in a single place that are suffering because of nothing other than luck.


If someone was born into my situation, could they have done the same thing? No. They wouldn’t think like you. Each person thinks in an entirely different way. As much as we can learn about psychology and how people make decisions, it still is not 100% because we have no idea how the brain works. There are many specialities in medicine like psychiatry, neurosurgery and neurology that all deal with the brain in a clinical setting. We still can’t replicate a brain.


This is what’s happening with AI right now. People are talking about an Ai that learns for itself and can influence and act like a human, and I don’t think that’s happening that soon. Naval talks about this a lot, and I tend to think he’s right.


AI is really good at analyzing data. It’s really good at taking massive data sets and learning through patterns to understand how to make predictions. Those predictions are not 100% right, but over time, with the more data they can collect, the closer they can get to that. That’s what happening in the AI race right now. How much data can companies’ aggregate to have their AI algorithms learn? Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Tesla, etc. As Yuval Noah Harrari says, those who control the data will control the 21st century.


Right now that place is China.


Their AI and algorithms must be so much further advanced than what we know in America and the Western world. You can’t get information out of China since all the media is controlled by the government. You don’t really know how much power and access they have. They’re building such a strong internal economy that eventually they don’t need other countries to import into their country. They’re becoming more self-reliant. This is huge.


They invested heavily in manufacturing in the last 20-30 years and quickly created jobs and brought people out of poverty. They’re building hospitals in days. They’re building buildings and cities in a few weeks. They’re so much farther ahead from a production capacity. America just can’t compete, especially when most of the population is not getting a great education and people are so focused on politics.


Imagine how powerful the Chinese governments’ AI is right now.


They have access to so much data. Every company is owned by the state. The state owns all the data for each company. It’s the law. This is what the movie on Netflix – The China Hustle – talked about. All the accounting standards could be totally crap. They don’t have to keep track and uphold any law.


Although you have billionaires in China rising to great heights, the state owns you. Look at Jack Ma. This person who excelled and was a fantastic example of great leadership from a great Chinese company that’s known globally. Yet he ‘disappeared’ for 3 months before appearing in public again. He was called to Beijing because of how he spoke out against the government when ANT had its IPO.


Look at what Pinduoduo CEO/Chairman did in retiring. One of the biggest companies in China and the founder resigns from the board and others to focus on ‘other technologies’. Good for him but Chinese billionaires can’t speak out against the government.


Is this what the world is going to turn into? China instituting its domestic political agenda in other countries? I don’t think so because I still do believe democracy rules over all. But given the instability that could happen around the world with the devaluing of the US dollar, a lot of countries in the world are going to undergo huge changes. The fight for survival. It’s happening in Myanmar right now. The army controls the state. They overtook the government.


I think this is going to happen a lot more in the next decade. Feels similar to what happened during the cold war. People’s fight for power. Dictators and autocrats rising up. Who’s going to control the ownership of countries? Who knows but it’s going to be fascinating to watch.


This is the thing though about the future. It’s so unpredictable. Who the hell knows what’s going to happen? No one.


If you guess what it could look like, and you do that 10 times, if 5 out of 10 times you’re right, you could change your life forever. Your decision-making and judgement go up 100x with just a 10% better decision making capacity than the next person. The power of infinite leverage.


If I’m right about my bets like shorting the dollar, thinking inflation is coming, thinking the stock market is about to collapse, and AMC going to the moon, my life will change forever.


People may be reading this now who just started reading what I’ve written because I’ve been featured in a profile on a major publication.


Hello folks. Glad you could join the ride that is my mind.


Have fun. Enjoy your life. Live your truth. Spend time with people you enjoy. Take risks. Don’t value other people’s opinion of you more than your own opinion of you. Don’t let other people hold you back. Do what you want to do. Learn about the Internet. Learn about its power. Learn about creating, monetizing, distributing, and selling you and your brand. It can be exponentially valuable. No matter where you are in the world. You have the ability to change your future, but it’s in your hands. Bet on yourself. Every day.


I may be completely delusional, but that’s how you make your mark.


Why not me?