Nuclear is our answer

Nuclear is our answer

July 5, 2023

Nuclear is our answer:

Nuclear is our answer.

It’s our answer to climate change.

It’s our answer to fossil fuels.

It’s our answer to a clean and prosperous future for humanity.

To making electricity cheap, accessible and continuous.

To reducing carbon emissions.

It is our answer to our energy problem and no one seems to be paying attention.

Just finished this amazing documentary called ‘Nuclear Now’ by Oliver Stone.

He’s one of the best documentarians of all time.

He was skeptical too.

He thought no way we could solve our climate and energy problem.

And yet he was shocked.

Shocked by nuclear and how it solves our problems.

Nuclear is safe.

Here’s a photo showing how many deaths have happened per hour generated by said form of energy.

Nuclear is a blip, because the only deaths were from a single accident.

Chernobyl in particular. People also think lots of folks died at Fukashima in 2011.


There were 0 deaths directly from nuclear at Fukushima.

All the deaths were related to Tsunami and evacuation.

Yes, the plant spewed off nuclear particles but the problem was in the poor design of the power plant.

As per the documentary, other Japanese nuclear plants that were better designed had no problems when the tsunami came. 

Meanwhile, thousands to millions have people have died because of coal mines, oil rigs and explosions.

Nuclear is efficient.

Nuclear runs 24/7 on tiny amounts of uranium.

Other energy sources, not so much.

People talk about the cost of solar and wind, and they have gone down.

But they have problems.

What if it’s not windy or sunny?

Good luck.

Solar takes up tons of space and you need rare earth metals and commodities to build the panels.

Most of which come from China.

What if it’s raining or nighttime? Then your solar panel is useless.

Wind the same. 

It’s weather dependent and the wind turbines are huge structures that take up a lot of space.

Also, the batteries aren’t as efficient to store energy.

Sure we can put them in cars but we don’t have the capacity or scale to store enough energy for cities and countries. 

We don’t only need batteries but we also need better grids.

We can generate all the power we want from solar and wind but if we can’t transport this energy into your house, it’s useless.

We’re getting better, but we’re not there yet.

Meanwhile, as per the documentary, nuclear produces 100x the energy of solar panels on 1/5th the land.

100 times the energy on 1/5th the land. That’s something.

Nuclear doesn’t take up a lot of space and runs 24/7 in every type of climate.

And yet even then, some countries around the world are approving coal and methane power plants above nuclear.

Yes, those forms of energy are cheap but they’re dirty and only makes our climate problem worse.

Nuclear meanwhile produces magnitudes more energy for the same amount. 

As per the documentary, uranium the size of your fingernail generates more power than 1 ton of coal.

1000 kilograms of coal and it’s still not as much as something you put on your fingernails.

Nuclear waste is easy to store.

We store them in concrete blocks underground and they emit no radiation.

You literally get more radiation from flying in a plane or walking around than you would from nuclear waste.

Nuclear power is not nuclear weapons.

Nuclear power is not nuclear war.

Nuclear waste can’t be turned into nuclear weapons.

The processes are too different.

So here you have this solution to this massive energy and climate problem we have, and yet the world seems to be asleep.

It’s also cheaper.

For example, in the documentary, Oliver Stone talks about how the policies of two European countries rapidly shifts the costs of energy.

Germany has spent $200B on renewables like wind and solar, but has shut down it’s nuclear power plants. Meanwhile they have some of the highest energy costs in Europe and are still among the highest carbon emitters.

France on the other hand is leading the world in nuclear. They get about 70% of their energy from nuclear and have some of the lowest costs among Europe.

2 countries with 2 different policies and 2 different outcomes.

I commend people like Oliver Stone and Isabelle Boemeke, who’s a nuclear Tik Tok influencer trying to spread the message to young people about how nuclear is our answer.

But we need more.

We need an Edward Bernays of nuclear.

Wish the father of propaganda was alive to convince the world that nuclear is the option.

Something like An Inconvenient Truth, which galvanized the world when it came out in 2005.

We need someone who understands all of the above and can convey the message.

The world is growing, specifically in the East and Global South and all of those people want to have things that we have in the West, as they should.

In order to do that, they need energy.

Wouldn’t you want clean, safe, efficient energy than runs 24/7 and solves our climate problem? 

I would.

Nuclear solves the problem.

Nuclear is our answer.

Anish display picture

Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Nuclear is our answer

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Jul 5, 2023
Nuclear being the answer to our energy problem, the benefits of nuclear and how it compares to other forms of energy

Nuclear is our answer:

Nuclear is our answer.

It’s our answer to climate change.

It’s our answer to fossil fuels.

It’s our answer to a clean and prosperous future for humanity.

To making electricity cheap, accessible and continuous.

To reducing carbon emissions.

It is our answer to our energy problem and no one seems to be paying attention.

Just finished this amazing documentary called ‘Nuclear Now’ by Oliver Stone.

He’s one of the best documentarians of all time.

He was skeptical too.

He thought no way we could solve our climate and energy problem.

And yet he was shocked.

Shocked by nuclear and how it solves our problems.

Nuclear is safe.

Here’s a photo showing how many deaths have happened per hour generated by said form of energy.

Nuclear is a blip, because the only deaths were from a single accident.

Chernobyl in particular. People also think lots of folks died at Fukashima in 2011.


There were 0 deaths directly from nuclear at Fukushima.

All the deaths were related to Tsunami and evacuation.

Yes, the plant spewed off nuclear particles but the problem was in the poor design of the power plant.

As per the documentary, other Japanese nuclear plants that were better designed had no problems when the tsunami came. 

Meanwhile, thousands to millions have people have died because of coal mines, oil rigs and explosions.

Nuclear is efficient.

Nuclear runs 24/7 on tiny amounts of uranium.

Other energy sources, not so much.

People talk about the cost of solar and wind, and they have gone down.

But they have problems.

What if it’s not windy or sunny?

Good luck.

Solar takes up tons of space and you need rare earth metals and commodities to build the panels.

Most of which come from China.

What if it’s raining or nighttime? Then your solar panel is useless.

Wind the same. 

It’s weather dependent and the wind turbines are huge structures that take up a lot of space.

Also, the batteries aren’t as efficient to store energy.

Sure we can put them in cars but we don’t have the capacity or scale to store enough energy for cities and countries. 

We don’t only need batteries but we also need better grids.

We can generate all the power we want from solar and wind but if we can’t transport this energy into your house, it’s useless.

We’re getting better, but we’re not there yet.

Meanwhile, as per the documentary, nuclear produces 100x the energy of solar panels on 1/5th the land.

100 times the energy on 1/5th the land. That’s something.

Nuclear doesn’t take up a lot of space and runs 24/7 in every type of climate.

And yet even then, some countries around the world are approving coal and methane power plants above nuclear.

Yes, those forms of energy are cheap but they’re dirty and only makes our climate problem worse.

Nuclear meanwhile produces magnitudes more energy for the same amount. 

As per the documentary, uranium the size of your fingernail generates more power than 1 ton of coal.

1000 kilograms of coal and it’s still not as much as something you put on your fingernails.

Nuclear waste is easy to store.

We store them in concrete blocks underground and they emit no radiation.

You literally get more radiation from flying in a plane or walking around than you would from nuclear waste.

Nuclear power is not nuclear weapons.

Nuclear power is not nuclear war.

Nuclear waste can’t be turned into nuclear weapons.

The processes are too different.

So here you have this solution to this massive energy and climate problem we have, and yet the world seems to be asleep.

It’s also cheaper.

For example, in the documentary, Oliver Stone talks about how the policies of two European countries rapidly shifts the costs of energy.

Germany has spent $200B on renewables like wind and solar, but has shut down it’s nuclear power plants. Meanwhile they have some of the highest energy costs in Europe and are still among the highest carbon emitters.

France on the other hand is leading the world in nuclear. They get about 70% of their energy from nuclear and have some of the lowest costs among Europe.

2 countries with 2 different policies and 2 different outcomes.

I commend people like Oliver Stone and Isabelle Boemeke, who’s a nuclear Tik Tok influencer trying to spread the message to young people about how nuclear is our answer.

But we need more.

We need an Edward Bernays of nuclear.

Wish the father of propaganda was alive to convince the world that nuclear is the option.

Something like An Inconvenient Truth, which galvanized the world when it came out in 2005.

We need someone who understands all of the above and can convey the message.

The world is growing, specifically in the East and Global South and all of those people want to have things that we have in the West, as they should.

In order to do that, they need energy.

Wouldn’t you want clean, safe, efficient energy than runs 24/7 and solves our climate problem? 

I would.

Nuclear solves the problem.

Nuclear is our answer.