Starting a blog

Starting a blog

February 27, 2014

Starting a blog

Originally published: February 27, 2014

Man, has it taken me a long time to get to this point.

A little over a year ago, I told myself I wanted to started a blog about basketball. Considering I’m a massive sports enthusiast and basketball is my favourite sport (#LikeMike #BowWow), I thought this would be a great idea.

I looked at a specific sports blog, ‘The Starters’ and thought, ‘hey, maybe if I do that for a period of time, maybe I’ll get my own show and be on NBA TV and talk to all these basketball superstars.’ I realized it would be a lot of work, and even though school was getting harder and harder, I thought I had the patience and time management skills to pull this off.

So I scoured the internet and found a good blog website to start with. I arrived at and thought to myself ‘now, it’s just time for a name’.

Mr Ball Guru, that’s what I decided on.

Now, I was ready to start.

I kept up the blog for about 2 weeks and towards the end of it, I realized that I wasn’t fully invested in doing it. All that patience and time management that I said I could handle, I couldn’t. It was taking up too much of my time and there were other things in my life that were more important. Thus, I came to the conclusion to stop the blog.

Ever since then, I’ve always thought about starting a new blog, one that doesn’t take up as much of my time. I was thinking about ideas, whether or not I wanted it to be a sports based blog, or one that talks about my day-day activities, or one that just comments on the experiences of life. So, why not do all of this and more?

And that leads us up to this point. Most of what I just said was pretty pointless; there was no reason for giving a backstory, and no reason for me to tell everyone my inspiration.

But I did. Deal with it.

This blog is basically going to be me commenting on a bunch of thoughts and experiences that I go through, with references to sports or pop culture here or there (The Raptors are 3rd in the conference, I repeat, the Raptors are 3rd in the conference. HALLEJUAH!!). I’ll try to keep updating this as much as I can, but times b/w posts may range from 1 hour to 1 year.

So whether you choose to read my blog or not is totally up to you, but hopefully you’ll come along for the ride.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Starting a blog

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Feb 27, 2014
A short description as to why I started my previous blog

Starting a blog

Originally published: February 27, 2014

Man, has it taken me a long time to get to this point.

A little over a year ago, I told myself I wanted to started a blog about basketball. Considering I’m a massive sports enthusiast and basketball is my favourite sport (#LikeMike #BowWow), I thought this would be a great idea.

I looked at a specific sports blog, ‘The Starters’ and thought, ‘hey, maybe if I do that for a period of time, maybe I’ll get my own show and be on NBA TV and talk to all these basketball superstars.’ I realized it would be a lot of work, and even though school was getting harder and harder, I thought I had the patience and time management skills to pull this off.

So I scoured the internet and found a good blog website to start with. I arrived at and thought to myself ‘now, it’s just time for a name’.

Mr Ball Guru, that’s what I decided on.

Now, I was ready to start.

I kept up the blog for about 2 weeks and towards the end of it, I realized that I wasn’t fully invested in doing it. All that patience and time management that I said I could handle, I couldn’t. It was taking up too much of my time and there were other things in my life that were more important. Thus, I came to the conclusion to stop the blog.

Ever since then, I’ve always thought about starting a new blog, one that doesn’t take up as much of my time. I was thinking about ideas, whether or not I wanted it to be a sports based blog, or one that talks about my day-day activities, or one that just comments on the experiences of life. So, why not do all of this and more?

And that leads us up to this point. Most of what I just said was pretty pointless; there was no reason for giving a backstory, and no reason for me to tell everyone my inspiration.

But I did. Deal with it.

This blog is basically going to be me commenting on a bunch of thoughts and experiences that I go through, with references to sports or pop culture here or there (The Raptors are 3rd in the conference, I repeat, the Raptors are 3rd in the conference. HALLEJUAH!!). I’ll try to keep updating this as much as I can, but times b/w posts may range from 1 hour to 1 year.

So whether you choose to read my blog or not is totally up to you, but hopefully you’ll come along for the ride.