
Carol Dweck


Amazing book that actually explained a lot of my upbringing and who I used to be. A fantastic book that I think all business people, parents and teachers need to absolutely read that explains the attitude and mentality behind some of the most successful innovators in our time

Rating: 5/5


With practice and training, we can increase our attention, memory, judgement and become more intelligent than before

The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life

Why waste time proving how great you are when you could be better?

Exceptional individuals can identify their own strengths and weaknesses

Growth mindset is always about constant improvement and developing yourself

I don’t divide the world into the weak and strong, or success and failures. I divide the world into learners and non-learners. – Benjamin Barber

People in a growth mindset don’t just seek challenges, but thrive on it

This is hard. This is fun – change your mindset

Becoming is better than being

Failure can be painful but it doesn’t define you. It’s a pattern to be faced, dealt with and learned from

Always admire effort because that’s where intelligence lies

Effort is terrifying because ‘geniuses are not suppose to need it’ and you can always make excuses because you didn’t try

You have to work hardest at the things you love most

I gave my all for the things I valued and think about what you want to look back and say

Not all effort is created equal

Growth minded people value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome

Keep on going and picture your brain learning new challenges and strengthening

What almost any person can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with the appropriate and prior conditions of learning

Just because some people can do something with little or no training, it doesn’t mean others can’t do it with training

When stereotypes are evoked, they fill people’s minds with disturbing thoughts and worries that confirm the stereotype

Women need all the growth mindset they can get to take their rightful places in the field

People prize mutual endowment over learned ability

Personal success is when you work your hardest to become your best

Setbacks should be informative and motivation

Somebodies are not determined by whether they won or lost. Somebodies are people that go for it with all they have

Always check from the people actually doing the work

Foster the development of people around you, because when they win, you win

Get people around you who disagree with your ideas and not develop groupthink

Create an organization that praises the development of ability

Withholding constructive criticism doesn’t help the children’s confidence, it harms their future

Don’t judge. Teach. It’s a learning process

Beware of success. It can knock you into a fixed mindset

Convey the process that leads to learning, treat setbacks as opportunities for learning and that the goal of learning is to deepen understanding

Beliefs are the key to happiness and misery


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Make Something Wonderful   
Steve Jobs         


The life of Steve Jobs in his own words

Rating: 5/5


Make something wonderful and put it out there

‘You appear, have a chance to blaze in the sky, then you disappear’

When you’re a stranger in a place, you notice thing you don’t otherwise (Jobs after India trip)

Whenever you start with nothing, always shoot for the moon. You have nothing to lose.

You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times

Never be afraid to fail. You never achieve what you want without falling flat on your face a few times

We are never taught to listen to our intuitions, to develop and nurture them. But if you do pay attention to these subtle insights, you can make them come true

Creativity equals connecting previously unrelated experiences and insights others don’t see

Believe that some of what you follow with your heart will come back and make your life richer. And it will. And you will gain even firmer trust on your instincts and intuitions

Make your avocation your vocation. Make what you love your work.

The journey is the reward. The reward isn’t in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it’s in crossing the rainbow

To find A+ talent, if experienced, look at their track record and results

The world we know is a human creation and we can push it forward

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do (read whole ad ‘here’s to the crazy ones)

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

Hire people better than you are

You can’t plan to meet the people who will change your life

It’s impossible to connect the dots looking forward, but they make sense looking backwards so you have to trust the dots will somehow connect in your future

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people no smarter than you


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Carol Dweck


Amazing book that actually explained a lot of my upbringing and who I used to be. A fantastic book that I think all business people, parents and teachers need to absolutely read that explains the attitude and mentality behind some of the most successful innovators in our time

Rating: 5/5


With practice and training, we can increase our attention, memory, judgement and become more intelligent than before

The view you adopt for yourself profoundly affects the way you lead your life

Why waste time proving how great you are when you could be better?

Exceptional individuals can identify their own strengths and weaknesses

Growth mindset is always about constant improvement and developing yourself

I don’t divide the world into the weak and strong, or success and failures. I divide the world into learners and non-learners. – Benjamin Barber

People in a growth mindset don’t just seek challenges, but thrive on it

This is hard. This is fun – change your mindset

Becoming is better than being

Failure can be painful but it doesn’t define you. It’s a pattern to be faced, dealt with and learned from

Always admire effort because that’s where intelligence lies

Effort is terrifying because ‘geniuses are not suppose to need it’ and you can always make excuses because you didn’t try

You have to work hardest at the things you love most

I gave my all for the things I valued and think about what you want to look back and say

Not all effort is created equal

Growth minded people value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome

Keep on going and picture your brain learning new challenges and strengthening

What almost any person can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with the appropriate and prior conditions of learning

Just because some people can do something with little or no training, it doesn’t mean others can’t do it with training

When stereotypes are evoked, they fill people’s minds with disturbing thoughts and worries that confirm the stereotype

Women need all the growth mindset they can get to take their rightful places in the field

People prize mutual endowment over learned ability

Personal success is when you work your hardest to become your best

Setbacks should be informative and motivation

Somebodies are not determined by whether they won or lost. Somebodies are people that go for it with all they have

Always check from the people actually doing the work

Foster the development of people around you, because when they win, you win

Get people around you who disagree with your ideas and not develop groupthink

Create an organization that praises the development of ability

Withholding constructive criticism doesn’t help the children’s confidence, it harms their future

Don’t judge. Teach. It’s a learning process

Beware of success. It can knock you into a fixed mindset

Convey the process that leads to learning, treat setbacks as opportunities for learning and that the goal of learning is to deepen understanding

Beliefs are the key to happiness and misery


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