Enjoy the shadows

Enjoy the shadows

May 24, 2023

Enjoy the shadows:

Enjoy the shadows.

The silence.

The darkness.

The moments no one else sees.

Enjoy it.

Savour it.

Appreciate it.

If you work on something bad enough, you’ll be successful.

You’ll accomplish your dreams.

You’ll be recognized everywhere.

But that life can also tear you down.

It can destroy you.

Success is intoxicating.

It’s a drug.

It’s a never-ending wheel with no stoppage.

You have to be ruthless with your time.

You have to be ruthless with your relationships.

You have to be ruthless with your decisions.

Your life shifts when you get success.

More things to do.

More things to buy.

More things to experience.

But you lose that time alone.

You lose that time thinking.

You lose that time tinkering.

You lose that time failing.

Then judgment enters the picture.

Particularly other people’s.

People tell you you’re great.

People tell you you’re successful.

People tell you you’re a role model.

Yet the entire time you feel like a fraud.

Like you don’t deserve to be here.

Like you haven’t put in the work.

But you have.

You did.

You deserve it.

You worked for this, even when no one saw.

That’s the difference with the greatest.

They get some success once.

Then they do it again.

And again.

And again.

Not for one year.

But 5 years.

A decade.

Multiple decades.

Most of the time - failing.

Showing up with no success.

Showing up to work.

Showing up to practice.

Showing up to improve.

Showing up for themselves.

Success will come when you enjoy the process.

When you enjoy the time alone.

When you enjoy the darkness.

When you enjoy the shadows.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Enjoy the shadows

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May 24, 2023
Enjoying darkness, the drug of success and working in silence

Enjoy the shadows:

Enjoy the shadows.

The silence.

The darkness.

The moments no one else sees.

Enjoy it.

Savour it.

Appreciate it.

If you work on something bad enough, you’ll be successful.

You’ll accomplish your dreams.

You’ll be recognized everywhere.

But that life can also tear you down.

It can destroy you.

Success is intoxicating.

It’s a drug.

It’s a never-ending wheel with no stoppage.

You have to be ruthless with your time.

You have to be ruthless with your relationships.

You have to be ruthless with your decisions.

Your life shifts when you get success.

More things to do.

More things to buy.

More things to experience.

But you lose that time alone.

You lose that time thinking.

You lose that time tinkering.

You lose that time failing.

Then judgment enters the picture.

Particularly other people’s.

People tell you you’re great.

People tell you you’re successful.

People tell you you’re a role model.

Yet the entire time you feel like a fraud.

Like you don’t deserve to be here.

Like you haven’t put in the work.

But you have.

You did.

You deserve it.

You worked for this, even when no one saw.

That’s the difference with the greatest.

They get some success once.

Then they do it again.

And again.

And again.

Not for one year.

But 5 years.

A decade.

Multiple decades.

Most of the time - failing.

Showing up with no success.

Showing up to work.

Showing up to practice.

Showing up to improve.

Showing up for themselves.

Success will come when you enjoy the process.

When you enjoy the time alone.

When you enjoy the darkness.

When you enjoy the shadows.