Find your purpose

Find your purpose

May 7, 2023

Find your purpose:

Find your purpose.

Your ikigai.

No matter how big or small, find it.

Look for it.

If you haven’t founnd it, keep searching.

Keep trying new things.

Keep going outside of your comfort zone.

Keep looking for something you enjoy doing.

Could be as huge as creating the biggest company in the world.

Could be as small as being the best parent ever.

Doesn’t matter what it is.

All that matters is you like it.

You enjoy it.

You work for it.

Doesn’t always mean it’s easy.

Doesn’t always mean that you’ll love every second of it.

Doesn’t always mean setbacks won’t happen.

But it gives you direction.

It gives you something to work toward.

It gives you something that gets you up in the morning.

Most of us have no idea why we do what we do.

We never ask ourselves.

We never think for ourselves.

We never stop.

To analyze ourselves.

To analyze who we are.

To analyze why we’re here

We feel trapped.

Trapped by our phones.

Trapped by the fear in our minds.

Trapped by our circumstances.

We all feel it.

Doesn’t mean you can’t try something different.

Doesn’t mean you can’t take risks.

Doesn’t mean you can’t invest in your own education.

Distractions have gotten louder.

Your attention has been bought and sold to the highest bidder.

So you need to step outside of that.

You need to take back control of your mind.

You need to take back control of your time.

You need to take back control of the life you want.

Through that, you must search for your purpose.

The reason to get up in the morning.

The reason to show up.

The reason to be on this earth.

No one else can make that decision for you.

You won’t find it sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.

You won’t find it on your phone.

You won’t find it on a screen.

You must look.

You must be bored.

You must go far and wide.

Some may find it early.

Others may find it late.

I got lucky.

I found mine in my early 20s.


It keeps me going.

It keeps me up.

It keeps me pushing the boundary of what I think is possible.

I enjoy it.

I’m loving the process.

Plus today with the Internet and modern forms of leverage, I can use this to create a huge business.

Media and code - the two permissionless forms of leverage.

Media is one I’m focusing on.

I know what I’ve built.

I know the power of this work.

I’ve worked my ass off for this, and yet I’ve just started.

Everything I’m doing will be rooted in writing.


It’s what I’ll do till the day I die.

It’s my purpose.

My ikigai

Go look for yours.

Anish display picture

Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Find your purpose

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May 7, 2023
Searching for your purpose, taking back control of your mind and finding your ikigai

Find your purpose:

Find your purpose.

Your ikigai.

No matter how big or small, find it.

Look for it.

If you haven’t founnd it, keep searching.

Keep trying new things.

Keep going outside of your comfort zone.

Keep looking for something you enjoy doing.

Could be as huge as creating the biggest company in the world.

Could be as small as being the best parent ever.

Doesn’t matter what it is.

All that matters is you like it.

You enjoy it.

You work for it.

Doesn’t always mean it’s easy.

Doesn’t always mean that you’ll love every second of it.

Doesn’t always mean setbacks won’t happen.

But it gives you direction.

It gives you something to work toward.

It gives you something that gets you up in the morning.

Most of us have no idea why we do what we do.

We never ask ourselves.

We never think for ourselves.

We never stop.

To analyze ourselves.

To analyze who we are.

To analyze why we’re here

We feel trapped.

Trapped by our phones.

Trapped by the fear in our minds.

Trapped by our circumstances.

We all feel it.

Doesn’t mean you can’t try something different.

Doesn’t mean you can’t take risks.

Doesn’t mean you can’t invest in your own education.

Distractions have gotten louder.

Your attention has been bought and sold to the highest bidder.

So you need to step outside of that.

You need to take back control of your mind.

You need to take back control of your time.

You need to take back control of the life you want.

Through that, you must search for your purpose.

The reason to get up in the morning.

The reason to show up.

The reason to be on this earth.

No one else can make that decision for you.

You won’t find it sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.

You won’t find it on your phone.

You won’t find it on a screen.

You must look.

You must be bored.

You must go far and wide.

Some may find it early.

Others may find it late.

I got lucky.

I found mine in my early 20s.


It keeps me going.

It keeps me up.

It keeps me pushing the boundary of what I think is possible.

I enjoy it.

I’m loving the process.

Plus today with the Internet and modern forms of leverage, I can use this to create a huge business.

Media and code - the two permissionless forms of leverage.

Media is one I’m focusing on.

I know what I’ve built.

I know the power of this work.

I’ve worked my ass off for this, and yet I’ve just started.

Everything I’m doing will be rooted in writing.


It’s what I’ll do till the day I die.

It’s my purpose.

My ikigai

Go look for yours.