The best story will win

The best story will win

July 27, 2023

The best story will win:

The best story will win.

Stories are how humans operate.

It’s how we learn.

It’s how we make sense of the world.

It’s how we understand what it means to be human.

Through stories.

Religion is a story.

History is a story.

Money is a story.

Problem is stories can be corrupted.

They can be wrong.

They can be deceitful.

They can be destructive.

But if the right person tells it, millions of people will believe them.

Whether right or wrong.

Convince enough people that what you’re saying is true and voila.

Just finished the Jordan Peterson documentary called ‘The Rise of Jordan Peterson.’

What a fascinating, interesting and complicated man.

An individual who has helped millions of people around the world do better with their lives.

Who’s inspired them to take charge of their lives and do what’s right for them and their community.

He’s made people hold themselves accountable.

His 12 Rules for Life is a must-read or listen.

Heard the audiobook and it changed me.

I can imagine what it’s like for those who read it.

He’s a master storyteller.

He’s also spent decades learning from history.

Taking concepts from different periods, cultures and environments and tying them all together.

Humans are flawed.

We’re easily manipulated.

How do you think Hitler got into power?

He believes we’re going down a similar path.

The radical left and far right are doing the most they can to disrupt civil discourse.

They’re trying to silence free thought.

They’re trying to control what you can and can’t say.

History tells us that it always happens one way before slowly your liberties are being taken away from you.

Remember Covid?

Governments around the world stopped people’s freedom of movent.

Freedom of choice.

Freedom of expression to live the life they want.

What did we find out 3 years after the fact?

The vaccine didn’t even stop transmission.

Yet the governments lied.

The scientists lied. 

The politicians lied.

If they could do it once, why couldn’t they do it again?

This is why we need people like Peterson.

People who are knowledgable.

Who have done the work.

Who show up.

Who stand up for what they believe, no matter how much hate or praise comes with it.

Jordan is authentically himself whether or not you agree with him.

And that’s what makes him so compelling.

There’s no hiding.

He’s not afraid.

He’s not scared.

He’s not fearful in the face of opposition.

He stands there, listens, thinks and responds.

Doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything he says.

Doesn’t mean he doesn’t make mistakes.

Doesn’t mean that he’s perfect.

But he’s trying.

He’s committing to teaching the world what he’s learned throughout his life.

Throughout history.

Stop judging him before listening to him.

Let him speak.

Let him tell his story.

I don’t agree with everything he says.

But there’s so much you can learn from people you disagree with.

Listen to them.

We need productive dialogue between people on every side of the aisle.

The antidote to censorship is more free speech.

It’s people like Jordan standing up for what they believe in.

Speaking freely.

Challenging the status quo.

Telling a better story.

Keep storytelling Jordan.

I hope you keep telling the best story.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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The best story will win

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Jul 27, 2023
Thoughts after watching the documentary 'The Rise of Jordan Peterson'

The best story will win:

The best story will win.

Stories are how humans operate.

It’s how we learn.

It’s how we make sense of the world.

It’s how we understand what it means to be human.

Through stories.

Religion is a story.

History is a story.

Money is a story.

Problem is stories can be corrupted.

They can be wrong.

They can be deceitful.

They can be destructive.

But if the right person tells it, millions of people will believe them.

Whether right or wrong.

Convince enough people that what you’re saying is true and voila.

Just finished the Jordan Peterson documentary called ‘The Rise of Jordan Peterson.’

What a fascinating, interesting and complicated man.

An individual who has helped millions of people around the world do better with their lives.

Who’s inspired them to take charge of their lives and do what’s right for them and their community.

He’s made people hold themselves accountable.

His 12 Rules for Life is a must-read or listen.

Heard the audiobook and it changed me.

I can imagine what it’s like for those who read it.

He’s a master storyteller.

He’s also spent decades learning from history.

Taking concepts from different periods, cultures and environments and tying them all together.

Humans are flawed.

We’re easily manipulated.

How do you think Hitler got into power?

He believes we’re going down a similar path.

The radical left and far right are doing the most they can to disrupt civil discourse.

They’re trying to silence free thought.

They’re trying to control what you can and can’t say.

History tells us that it always happens one way before slowly your liberties are being taken away from you.

Remember Covid?

Governments around the world stopped people’s freedom of movent.

Freedom of choice.

Freedom of expression to live the life they want.

What did we find out 3 years after the fact?

The vaccine didn’t even stop transmission.

Yet the governments lied.

The scientists lied. 

The politicians lied.

If they could do it once, why couldn’t they do it again?

This is why we need people like Peterson.

People who are knowledgable.

Who have done the work.

Who show up.

Who stand up for what they believe, no matter how much hate or praise comes with it.

Jordan is authentically himself whether or not you agree with him.

And that’s what makes him so compelling.

There’s no hiding.

He’s not afraid.

He’s not scared.

He’s not fearful in the face of opposition.

He stands there, listens, thinks and responds.

Doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything he says.

Doesn’t mean he doesn’t make mistakes.

Doesn’t mean that he’s perfect.

But he’s trying.

He’s committing to teaching the world what he’s learned throughout his life.

Throughout history.

Stop judging him before listening to him.

Let him speak.

Let him tell his story.

I don’t agree with everything he says.

But there’s so much you can learn from people you disagree with.

Listen to them.

We need productive dialogue between people on every side of the aisle.

The antidote to censorship is more free speech.

It’s people like Jordan standing up for what they believe in.

Speaking freely.

Challenging the status quo.

Telling a better story.

Keep storytelling Jordan.

I hope you keep telling the best story.