Everything is downstream of energy

Everything is downstream of energy

September 27, 2022

Everything is downstream of energy:

Everything is downstream of energy.

You control energy and you control the world.

It’s why the US went into Iraq and spent trillions of dollars.

It’s why the US signed the Petrodollar deal with the Saudis in the 70s.

It’s why wars are fought, people die and others make billions.

It’s why the race of nuclear fission is of paramount importance.

It’s why the space race to harness H3 from the moon and asteroids is massive.

Everything is downstream of energy.

Your ability to heat your home, drive your car, watch TV and charge your phone all depends on cheap and reliable energy.

When energy gets expensive, everything gets expensive.

The last few years have shown us that by injecting trillions of dollars into the economy with a fixed supply of energy, prices go up. 

A lot.

Ask Europe.

Historically people used to burn wood or coal to get their energy but in the last hundred years, oil, liquified natural gas, nuclear, solar and wind have come into play.

Unfortunately, or fortunately if you’re an oil-producing country, oil is still the highest value energy in terms of output.

In order for the globe to advance, we need more supply of cheap energy, not less.

Especially for the developing world.

The developed world has used cheap energy and pillaged resources from the developing world for centuries to advance their own economies, and now the rest of the world is catching up.

Billions of people in Asia, Africa and South America want the same luxuries we have in the West.

As they should.

That means they want more energy.

When energy becomes too expensive and countries can’t afford to buy it for their citizens, all hell breaks loose.

All bets are off when countries can’t get energy.

It’s how geopolitical games are fought.

Europe has a choice right now.

Get rid of Russian sanctions and open up the Nordstream 1 and 2, or choose America/Canada and pay 10x the price for their liquified natural gas.

Obviously Russian gas is cheaper given the infrastructure is all in place, but America might have other ideas.

News came out today that both Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2 have been targeted, likely by explosions from some country.

Many in the West are speculating that it's Russia but why would they shoot themselves in the foot?

Their cheap supply of energy to Europe is Putin’s biggest bargaining chip in getting Euoprean leaders to cave. Why would he destroy his own infrastructure project?

What about America?

There was a clip released today by Joe Biden from a press conference explaining how the Nordstream 2 can be taken offline 

Watch it and do some critical thinking.

Does Putin really want to destroy his own infrastructure project and biggest bargaining chip with Europe?

It makes no sense to me.

But the Americans?

It’s possible. 

Forces Germany and Europe to become ever more reliant on the American military complex and American energy.

It could cost millions of people’s lives this winter, all so the American war machine makes Europe ever more reliant on them.

Think about that.

I’m praying for the warmest winter on record because if it gets cold and Europe starts rationing energy, oh boy.

America knows how powerful controlling energy markets is.

Now Germany and the rest of the EU are facing a disastrous winter where millions of people could freeze, forcing their policymakers into making decisions they don’t want to.

Guarantee you the American and Western media will psychologically manipulate the populations into believing it was a Russian attack to starve Europe, in order to blame them for their own oncoming crises domestically.

The US government needs to blame someone else for all the problems they’ve created domestically.

Especially by the Fed.

As Doomberg has so eloquently talked about for months, energy is life.

If you interrupt energy to people, you are fucked. 

Europe is about to feel the wrath.

Not only this moment in time, but because of decades of poor energy policy.

Winter is coming.

Next time you read the news and try to think why America, Russia, China or any superpower is making moves geo-politically, always think about energy.

Everything is downstream of energy.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Everything is downstream of energy

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Sep 27, 2022
Energy running the world, explosions at Nordstream 1 and 2 and is America to blame?

Everything is downstream of energy:

Everything is downstream of energy.

You control energy and you control the world.

It’s why the US went into Iraq and spent trillions of dollars.

It’s why the US signed the Petrodollar deal with the Saudis in the 70s.

It’s why wars are fought, people die and others make billions.

It’s why the race of nuclear fission is of paramount importance.

It’s why the space race to harness H3 from the moon and asteroids is massive.

Everything is downstream of energy.

Your ability to heat your home, drive your car, watch TV and charge your phone all depends on cheap and reliable energy.

When energy gets expensive, everything gets expensive.

The last few years have shown us that by injecting trillions of dollars into the economy with a fixed supply of energy, prices go up. 

A lot.

Ask Europe.

Historically people used to burn wood or coal to get their energy but in the last hundred years, oil, liquified natural gas, nuclear, solar and wind have come into play.

Unfortunately, or fortunately if you’re an oil-producing country, oil is still the highest value energy in terms of output.

In order for the globe to advance, we need more supply of cheap energy, not less.

Especially for the developing world.

The developed world has used cheap energy and pillaged resources from the developing world for centuries to advance their own economies, and now the rest of the world is catching up.

Billions of people in Asia, Africa and South America want the same luxuries we have in the West.

As they should.

That means they want more energy.

When energy becomes too expensive and countries can’t afford to buy it for their citizens, all hell breaks loose.

All bets are off when countries can’t get energy.

It’s how geopolitical games are fought.

Europe has a choice right now.

Get rid of Russian sanctions and open up the Nordstream 1 and 2, or choose America/Canada and pay 10x the price for their liquified natural gas.

Obviously Russian gas is cheaper given the infrastructure is all in place, but America might have other ideas.

News came out today that both Nordstream 1 and Nordstream 2 have been targeted, likely by explosions from some country.

Many in the West are speculating that it's Russia but why would they shoot themselves in the foot?

Their cheap supply of energy to Europe is Putin’s biggest bargaining chip in getting Euoprean leaders to cave. Why would he destroy his own infrastructure project?

What about America?

There was a clip released today by Joe Biden from a press conference explaining how the Nordstream 2 can be taken offline 

Watch it and do some critical thinking.

Does Putin really want to destroy his own infrastructure project and biggest bargaining chip with Europe?

It makes no sense to me.

But the Americans?

It’s possible. 

Forces Germany and Europe to become ever more reliant on the American military complex and American energy.

It could cost millions of people’s lives this winter, all so the American war machine makes Europe ever more reliant on them.

Think about that.

I’m praying for the warmest winter on record because if it gets cold and Europe starts rationing energy, oh boy.

America knows how powerful controlling energy markets is.

Now Germany and the rest of the EU are facing a disastrous winter where millions of people could freeze, forcing their policymakers into making decisions they don’t want to.

Guarantee you the American and Western media will psychologically manipulate the populations into believing it was a Russian attack to starve Europe, in order to blame them for their own oncoming crises domestically.

The US government needs to blame someone else for all the problems they’ve created domestically.

Especially by the Fed.

As Doomberg has so eloquently talked about for months, energy is life.

If you interrupt energy to people, you are fucked. 

Europe is about to feel the wrath.

Not only this moment in time, but because of decades of poor energy policy.

Winter is coming.

Next time you read the news and try to think why America, Russia, China or any superpower is making moves geo-politically, always think about energy.

Everything is downstream of energy.