Level up

Level up

November 13, 2023

Level up:

Level up.

Level yourself up.

No one can do that for you.

You have to do that for you.

Think of your life as a game.

Your own adventure game.

You’re the main character.

You get to decide which game you want to play.

You get to decide which decisions you make.

You get to decide which paths you choose.

You start in a random place.

We all do.

Some of us get lucky.

Others do not.

Some of us start with a head start.

While others have all the odds stacked against them.

Yet, they could both end up in vastly different places.

Some thrive while others falter.

Not falter but stay stagnant.

The same.

Exactly where they are.

Not improving.

Not moving.

Not acting.

Most people stay the same.

They do the same things.

Have the same hobbies.

Talk to the same people.

Their whole lives.

That’s crazy to me.

And yet it’s reality.

The mindset shift you have to make it you need to level up.

You need to learn.

You need to improve yourself.


Because that’s how you’re going to be happy.

That’s how you’re going to be successful.

That’s how you’re going to find your life’s purpose.

Life doesn’t happen for those who don’t level up.

Who don’t learn.

Who don’t take risks.

Who don’t pursue their dreams.

People who stay where they are left the same.

You can’t control where you started.

You can’t control the environment you grew up in.

You can’t control who your early role models were.

You can’t control a lot.

But what you can control is your effort.

You can control your time.

You can control what you do every day.

Want to know the hack?


Not social media.


If not reading, listen to them.

Audiobooks are readily available.

E-books too.

Almost every book I’ve read to date has been for free.

Z-Library, the best resource on the Internet.

Trust me, figure out how to use that source and watch your world open up.

You can read every book you want for free.

The point being, learn from those who have come before you.

Those who have taken their best ideas and turned them into a single book.

Some books are about entire lives.

Some are about thousands of years of history.

Some are about how to confront your trauma and re-evaluate your life.

Those have the answers.

If you read or listen to a bit of those every day, watch how far you’ll be in a year.

Look how many lessons you start to see in the world around you.

I was recently having this conversation with a friend.

‘Attached’ by Amir Levine is one of those must-read books about relationships.

‘5 Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman is the other.

Those two books, if you read, reflect and think about them in the context of your own life, can change the way you see relationships forever.

Guaranteed it’ll make you happier and more understanding in the relationships you’re in or the ones you will have in your life.

But we were talking about this idea.

How once you start reading, learning and seeing these ideas in person, you can’t see the world another way.

Trust me, once you start on the personal development journey, it doesn’t stop.

There’s always more to learn.

Through that, find what interests you.

Read what you like.

But, reading across psychology, economics, history and biographies will give you such a unique lens on the world that it’ll never look the same again.

You’ll notice things you didn’t otherwise before.

Be patient.

This doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes time.

But if you start today, I guarantee you in 6 months, the world will never look the same.

A year later, you’ll have leveled up.

5 years later, you’ll have exponentially leveled up.

10 years later and your life will be unimaginably different in the best way possible.

Be consistent.

Be patient.

A little bit every day.

And don’t stop.

There is no end goal.

The point of all it is to learn it.

And enjoy the process along the way.

Level up.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Level up

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Nov 13, 2023
Self improvement, reading books and leveling your character up in this game we call life

Level up:

Level up.

Level yourself up.

No one can do that for you.

You have to do that for you.

Think of your life as a game.

Your own adventure game.

You’re the main character.

You get to decide which game you want to play.

You get to decide which decisions you make.

You get to decide which paths you choose.

You start in a random place.

We all do.

Some of us get lucky.

Others do not.

Some of us start with a head start.

While others have all the odds stacked against them.

Yet, they could both end up in vastly different places.

Some thrive while others falter.

Not falter but stay stagnant.

The same.

Exactly where they are.

Not improving.

Not moving.

Not acting.

Most people stay the same.

They do the same things.

Have the same hobbies.

Talk to the same people.

Their whole lives.

That’s crazy to me.

And yet it’s reality.

The mindset shift you have to make it you need to level up.

You need to learn.

You need to improve yourself.


Because that’s how you’re going to be happy.

That’s how you’re going to be successful.

That’s how you’re going to find your life’s purpose.

Life doesn’t happen for those who don’t level up.

Who don’t learn.

Who don’t take risks.

Who don’t pursue their dreams.

People who stay where they are left the same.

You can’t control where you started.

You can’t control the environment you grew up in.

You can’t control who your early role models were.

You can’t control a lot.

But what you can control is your effort.

You can control your time.

You can control what you do every day.

Want to know the hack?


Not social media.


If not reading, listen to them.

Audiobooks are readily available.

E-books too.

Almost every book I’ve read to date has been for free.

Z-Library, the best resource on the Internet.

Trust me, figure out how to use that source and watch your world open up.

You can read every book you want for free.

The point being, learn from those who have come before you.

Those who have taken their best ideas and turned them into a single book.

Some books are about entire lives.

Some are about thousands of years of history.

Some are about how to confront your trauma and re-evaluate your life.

Those have the answers.

If you read or listen to a bit of those every day, watch how far you’ll be in a year.

Look how many lessons you start to see in the world around you.

I was recently having this conversation with a friend.

‘Attached’ by Amir Levine is one of those must-read books about relationships.

‘5 Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman is the other.

Those two books, if you read, reflect and think about them in the context of your own life, can change the way you see relationships forever.

Guaranteed it’ll make you happier and more understanding in the relationships you’re in or the ones you will have in your life.

But we were talking about this idea.

How once you start reading, learning and seeing these ideas in person, you can’t see the world another way.

Trust me, once you start on the personal development journey, it doesn’t stop.

There’s always more to learn.

Through that, find what interests you.

Read what you like.

But, reading across psychology, economics, history and biographies will give you such a unique lens on the world that it’ll never look the same again.

You’ll notice things you didn’t otherwise before.

Be patient.

This doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes time.

But if you start today, I guarantee you in 6 months, the world will never look the same.

A year later, you’ll have leveled up.

5 years later, you’ll have exponentially leveled up.

10 years later and your life will be unimaginably different in the best way possible.

Be consistent.

Be patient.

A little bit every day.

And don’t stop.

There is no end goal.

The point of all it is to learn it.

And enjoy the process along the way.

Level up.