Expedite your knowledge

Expedite your knowledge

April 27, 2023

Expedite your knowledge:

Expedite your knowledge.

Learn from the best.

Learn from old people.

Those who have been around a while.

Those who have read and experienced things that seem hard to imagine.

Living through the Cuban Missile Crisis.

First man on the moon.


The fall of the Berlin Wall.

There are people out there who have lived through all of that and never stopped learning.

Always up to date.

Always curious.

Buffet is one guy.

Charlie Munger another.

Sam Zell a third.

Stanley Druckenmiller a fourth.

Howard Marks a fifth.

Jim Rogers a sixth.

Jeremy Grantham a seventh.

And my personal favourite, Ray Dalio.

All of these people are legendary investors.

Their careers speak for themselves.

They’ve chosen to share their knowledge with the world.

Share their insights as to how they see the current world setup.

Short answer - it’s not good.

My macro, geopolitical and economic pieces come from them.

If I’ve learned anything being an investor is I know nothing.


All I do is steal ideas from the best and add my own opinion.

Are they all going to be right about the direction the world is heading?

We don’t know.

They might.

But if all of them are saying similar things, pay attention.

I bring this up because we don’t have good role models today.

We don’t have good role models in the mainstream media who prioritize education and teaching.

We usually hear an American, western neo-liberal point of view but we need global points of view.

Those who understand the history of the world.

We have hundreds of cultures, religions and languages but human behaviour is the same.

What humans have been doing for thousands of years, they’ll continue to do thousands of years from now.

The reason why everyone should read the Stoics.

They understood the human condition better than anyone and they lived thousands of years ago.

Best insights in the world are in their teachings.

But this is how you do it.

This is how you advance your knowledge.

Follow the best.

Listen to them.

Understand them.

Read the books they’re reading.

Watch and listen to the interviews they’ve done.

They’re the best in the world for a reason.

One day I hope to get there and if any of them ever read this, thank you for your incredible service to humanity.

Keep teaching the world your insights.

We need more smart people discussing these broad topics that will affect us all.

So what should you do?

Read. Listen. Learn.

Invest in your own education.

Learn from the greatest in their fields.

Do that and you’ll expedite your knowledge.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Expedite your knowledge

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Apr 27, 2023
Advancing your knowledge, the Stoics and learning from the best investors

Expedite your knowledge:

Expedite your knowledge.

Learn from the best.

Learn from old people.

Those who have been around a while.

Those who have read and experienced things that seem hard to imagine.

Living through the Cuban Missile Crisis.

First man on the moon.


The fall of the Berlin Wall.

There are people out there who have lived through all of that and never stopped learning.

Always up to date.

Always curious.

Buffet is one guy.

Charlie Munger another.

Sam Zell a third.

Stanley Druckenmiller a fourth.

Howard Marks a fifth.

Jim Rogers a sixth.

Jeremy Grantham a seventh.

And my personal favourite, Ray Dalio.

All of these people are legendary investors.

Their careers speak for themselves.

They’ve chosen to share their knowledge with the world.

Share their insights as to how they see the current world setup.

Short answer - it’s not good.

My macro, geopolitical and economic pieces come from them.

If I’ve learned anything being an investor is I know nothing.


All I do is steal ideas from the best and add my own opinion.

Are they all going to be right about the direction the world is heading?

We don’t know.

They might.

But if all of them are saying similar things, pay attention.

I bring this up because we don’t have good role models today.

We don’t have good role models in the mainstream media who prioritize education and teaching.

We usually hear an American, western neo-liberal point of view but we need global points of view.

Those who understand the history of the world.

We have hundreds of cultures, religions and languages but human behaviour is the same.

What humans have been doing for thousands of years, they’ll continue to do thousands of years from now.

The reason why everyone should read the Stoics.

They understood the human condition better than anyone and they lived thousands of years ago.

Best insights in the world are in their teachings.

But this is how you do it.

This is how you advance your knowledge.

Follow the best.

Listen to them.

Understand them.

Read the books they’re reading.

Watch and listen to the interviews they’ve done.

They’re the best in the world for a reason.

One day I hope to get there and if any of them ever read this, thank you for your incredible service to humanity.

Keep teaching the world your insights.

We need more smart people discussing these broad topics that will affect us all.

So what should you do?

Read. Listen. Learn.

Invest in your own education.

Learn from the greatest in their fields.

Do that and you’ll expedite your knowledge.