

February 1, 2022





Eyeballs everywhere you go.


People watching your every move.


Being out in public and having people watch you.


Take pictures of you behind your back.


No worries.


I believe in karma. If you do well in the world, the world will return it to you.


Doesn’t mean random events won’t happen or decisions that could completely change the course of your life.


But be a good person throughout.


Be respectful.


Ask people about themselves.


Get to know the person behind the scenes, not the façade everyone puts on.


That’s how you really get to know people.


Ask interesting questions.


Ask better questions.


People underestimate how valuable it is to ask better questions.


Better questions lead to better answers.


Learn how to ask better questions.


Shut up and listen more.


Stop blabbering.


Let people teach you about themselves.


Pay attention to the subtle things.


People may not always tell you how they’re feeling but they will show you with their body language.


Notice the world a little more.


Get off your phone and pay attention.


Society is so screwed right now with its lack of attention.


One of the biggest problems going forward is how to take back control of your attention.


Kids now have no attention span.


It’s not just kids, it’s everyone.


We’re all on our phones far too often.


We’re never really paying attention to what’s really happening.


Use your eyes.


Pay attention to the world around you instead of just your phone.


Live in this world, not just the digital one.


Ready Player One could become a reality.


If the world looks anything like what Zuck and all the Silicon-Valley metaverse people think, we’re doomed.


But that transition is happening.


Those guys have figured out how to hook eyeballs.


They know you better than you know yourself.


They know how to hack your brain.


They have you under their control.


They give you the illusion that you control your phone use, but you don’t.


They control you.


We all need to distance ourselves more from our phones.


Do something for yourself.


Work on yourself.


Spend time focusing on something that gives you joy away from technology.


That’s what writing has been for me.


It’s made me realize how much you can do when you just commit a bit of time every day.


I started my journal in September 2018. 3.5 years later and that decision single-handedly changed the course of my life.


I appreciated that I enjoyed writing.


It made me a better thinker.


It forced me to get a better handle on my mind.


It’s also allowed me to document everything.


Now 500+ posts later, I have an arsenal of content.


I’ve created my product.


And that’s just from one year of work.


As long as I keep going, I’ll have thousands of pieces.


Each one can have an entire business attached to it.


Podcast them. Video them. Make them NFTs and sell the rights to your fans so they can participate in your upside.


Especially if you’ve written about history before it happens.


If Gamestop really does go to the moon and crash the whole market, the whole world may know your name.


You also have hundreds of pieces of evidence showing you knew.


Even if no one pays attention, you’ll always know.


You did the work.


You put in the time.


Thank god you shared your gift with the world.


But let’s see.


Enjoy the time where you don’t have eyeballs on you because life can change so quickly.




The eyeballs will come.

Anish display picture

Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Feb 1, 2022
People watching you, controlling your attention and discovering writing





Eyeballs everywhere you go.


People watching your every move.


Being out in public and having people watch you.


Take pictures of you behind your back.


No worries.


I believe in karma. If you do well in the world, the world will return it to you.


Doesn’t mean random events won’t happen or decisions that could completely change the course of your life.


But be a good person throughout.


Be respectful.


Ask people about themselves.


Get to know the person behind the scenes, not the façade everyone puts on.


That’s how you really get to know people.


Ask interesting questions.


Ask better questions.


People underestimate how valuable it is to ask better questions.


Better questions lead to better answers.


Learn how to ask better questions.


Shut up and listen more.


Stop blabbering.


Let people teach you about themselves.


Pay attention to the subtle things.


People may not always tell you how they’re feeling but they will show you with their body language.


Notice the world a little more.


Get off your phone and pay attention.


Society is so screwed right now with its lack of attention.


One of the biggest problems going forward is how to take back control of your attention.


Kids now have no attention span.


It’s not just kids, it’s everyone.


We’re all on our phones far too often.


We’re never really paying attention to what’s really happening.


Use your eyes.


Pay attention to the world around you instead of just your phone.


Live in this world, not just the digital one.


Ready Player One could become a reality.


If the world looks anything like what Zuck and all the Silicon-Valley metaverse people think, we’re doomed.


But that transition is happening.


Those guys have figured out how to hook eyeballs.


They know you better than you know yourself.


They know how to hack your brain.


They have you under their control.


They give you the illusion that you control your phone use, but you don’t.


They control you.


We all need to distance ourselves more from our phones.


Do something for yourself.


Work on yourself.


Spend time focusing on something that gives you joy away from technology.


That’s what writing has been for me.


It’s made me realize how much you can do when you just commit a bit of time every day.


I started my journal in September 2018. 3.5 years later and that decision single-handedly changed the course of my life.


I appreciated that I enjoyed writing.


It made me a better thinker.


It forced me to get a better handle on my mind.


It’s also allowed me to document everything.


Now 500+ posts later, I have an arsenal of content.


I’ve created my product.


And that’s just from one year of work.


As long as I keep going, I’ll have thousands of pieces.


Each one can have an entire business attached to it.


Podcast them. Video them. Make them NFTs and sell the rights to your fans so they can participate in your upside.


Especially if you’ve written about history before it happens.


If Gamestop really does go to the moon and crash the whole market, the whole world may know your name.


You also have hundreds of pieces of evidence showing you knew.


Even if no one pays attention, you’ll always know.


You did the work.


You put in the time.


Thank god you shared your gift with the world.


But let’s see.


Enjoy the time where you don’t have eyeballs on you because life can change so quickly.




The eyeballs will come.