Learn from them all

Learn from them all

March 10, 2022

Learn from them all:

Learn from them all. 

The young and the old.

The wealthy and the poor.

The white and the ‘others’

The men and the women.

The dreamers and the doubters.

The happy and the sad.

The educated and the uneducated.

The left and the right.

The savers and the spenders.

The long-term thinkers and the short-term thinkers.

The ambitious and the lazy.

The lucky and the unlucky.

The privileged and the unprivileged.

The travellers and the hermits.

The drug takers and the sober.

The extroverts and the introverts.

The bosses and the employees.

The politicians and the people.

The positive experiences and the negative experiences.

The family and the friends.

The risk-takers and the scared souls.

The creators and the consumers.

The builders and the takers.

The humble and the arrogant.

The confident and the insecure.

The religious and the atheists.

The living and the dead.

The adults and the kids.

The humans and the animals.

The professionals and the amateurs.

The loud and the quiet.

The wise and the fools.

The heroes and the villains.

The stars and the anonymous.

The legends and the forgotten.

The beautiful and the ugly.

The good and the bad.

Learn from them all.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Learn from them all

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Mar 10, 2022
A poem about who to learn from

Learn from them all:

Learn from them all. 

The young and the old.

The wealthy and the poor.

The white and the ‘others’

The men and the women.

The dreamers and the doubters.

The happy and the sad.

The educated and the uneducated.

The left and the right.

The savers and the spenders.

The long-term thinkers and the short-term thinkers.

The ambitious and the lazy.

The lucky and the unlucky.

The privileged and the unprivileged.

The travellers and the hermits.

The drug takers and the sober.

The extroverts and the introverts.

The bosses and the employees.

The politicians and the people.

The positive experiences and the negative experiences.

The family and the friends.

The risk-takers and the scared souls.

The creators and the consumers.

The builders and the takers.

The humble and the arrogant.

The confident and the insecure.

The religious and the atheists.

The living and the dead.

The adults and the kids.

The humans and the animals.

The professionals and the amateurs.

The loud and the quiet.

The wise and the fools.

The heroes and the villains.

The stars and the anonymous.

The legends and the forgotten.

The beautiful and the ugly.

The good and the bad.

Learn from them all.