Be a voice of the people

Be a voice of the people

May 29, 2021

Day 955 - Day 445 - May.29.21 - be a voice of the people

Be one of the people. Speak your mind and tell your truth. Let the people know what you have going on in your life. This squeeze will open up opportunities for so many people and hopefully allow full scale reform so this doesn’t happen again. Banks will fail but a lot will turn into winners. Don’t worry about people’s criticism of your work because expect a fuck ton of it. Expect a lot of hate. Expect a lot of negativity. But know on the other side of it there are so many people who are listening and watching. Be a voice for them. Be a voice for the people and don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Be warned though because people don’t like market crashes and by talking about it, they may blame you. What do they blame me for? Nothing because what I predicted literally never happened before. All I did but bet on my outcome and I won. I crushed Wall Street and every single investor, besides the fellow Apes on GME and AMC, by betting on everything to crash. Just be patient and let it play out the way it should. Be along for the ride, watch it carefully and write about the whole thing. Then when it does happen, you release all of your writing next year or even this year and immediately start capitalizing on what you’re doing. Be the best version of you, talk about issues that matter to you and let the world hear your mind. Inspire the next generation of people to live their life and do their thing. Power needs to change hands and it’s coming.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Be a voice of the people

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May 29, 2021
Day 955 - Day 445 - May.29.21 - be a voice of the people

Day 955 - Day 445 - May.29.21 - be a voice of the people

Be one of the people. Speak your mind and tell your truth. Let the people know what you have going on in your life. This squeeze will open up opportunities for so many people and hopefully allow full scale reform so this doesn’t happen again. Banks will fail but a lot will turn into winners. Don’t worry about people’s criticism of your work because expect a fuck ton of it. Expect a lot of hate. Expect a lot of negativity. But know on the other side of it there are so many people who are listening and watching. Be a voice for them. Be a voice for the people and don’t be afraid to speak your mind. Be warned though because people don’t like market crashes and by talking about it, they may blame you. What do they blame me for? Nothing because what I predicted literally never happened before. All I did but bet on my outcome and I won. I crushed Wall Street and every single investor, besides the fellow Apes on GME and AMC, by betting on everything to crash. Just be patient and let it play out the way it should. Be along for the ride, watch it carefully and write about the whole thing. Then when it does happen, you release all of your writing next year or even this year and immediately start capitalizing on what you’re doing. Be the best version of you, talk about issues that matter to you and let the world hear your mind. Inspire the next generation of people to live their life and do their thing. Power needs to change hands and it’s coming.