No one knows anything

No one knows anything

September 4, 2021

No one knows anything:


No one knows anything.


People are figuring it out as they go along.


I remember being a kid looking up to my parents and their friends thinking they had everything figured out.


I thought they understood how the world worked and all the other adults did as well.


Turns out that’s all a lie.


No one knows anything.


People are set in their beliefs of certain things because of their experiences, what they’ve seen in front of them their whole lives and the people around them.


But that doesn’t mean they know any more than you.


People that have lived longer are thought to be smarter than those that are younger, but what if that’s wrong?


What if people don’t know how everything works?


That’s what this market crash feels like.


It feels like the Internet exposed a secret no one knew.


How Wall Street really works.


The guys at the top know how the system works.


They know if they corner the market, naked short companies out of existence and control a majority of retail order flow on the markets, they can just play the other side of the market.


High frequency trading firms never lose money.


The issue becomes when there’s a conflict of interest between the market maker, hedge fund and treasury fund maker.


How is it allowed that they’re all allowed to exist under the same entity?


Follow the incentives and you’ll find your answer.


Naked shorting has existed for years, yet no one talks about it. 


The media won’t because they’re controlled by these same entities.

It continues to happen because the penalties for getting caught are pennies on the billions of dollars they make by doing this.


It’s easier having your population clueless to what’s really happening than to show them how everything really works.

If you told people that these same Wall Street crooks manipulated the market in their favour, got caught, ended up causing economic crises and then went to governments for bailouts, people would revolt.


Well guess what?


That’s what’s going to happen.


That’s what the Internet has done.


Expose Wall Street for what it truly is.


A few crooks in suits lining their pockets while the rest of the world struggles.


It’s bullshit and everything feels like it’s about to change.


As long as retail keeps holding shares, even as the media spins this to blame crash on retail investors, the world will change for the better.


Corruption and greed will be brought to the forefront.


This is what makes this play against Wall Street so genius.


If you get enough people to go long on a stock that these market makers and hedge funds went short against, you can entirely flip the script. 

The Internet is the largest fund in the world.


The goal of these funds is to never cover, as Marc Cuban told Reddit in January when the Gamestop squeeze first happened.


There will be many around the world who will applaud retail for what it’s done. 

Yet depending on who controls the narrative, everything could be flipped.


The media, who in America are mostly controlled by a small few, will be used to make people believe that Internet investors caused this crisis.




Wall Street did it to themselves.


The Internet just found out about their dirty game and flipped the script on them.


When you get millions of people to work together on a single issue, especially when it comes to money, you can change the world.


That’s what amazes me – no one will tell you any of this stuff.


The media is distracting you every day.


It’s not allowing you to understand how the world works.


Covid is a prime example.


It’s become political, and that’s disastrous for society.


Trust the science. Listen to the people that study this stuff their whole lives.


The problem is incentives.


Social media pushes people into following their own tribe.


If you search up anti-vax content on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or any other form of social media, their algorithms are designed to push you to see more of that content.


So it continues to brainwash people into believing that the vaccine is bad and can’t be trusted.


People love confirmation bias – to be told all their thoughts and fears are true.


If there are enough people online, even if it’s only a small group, who continue to push the same message, their content will be seen by enough people.


People love to believe lies because the truth often hurts.


It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to understand it as best as we can.


Look at the evidence. Look at the facts. Understand the counter evidence. Think for yourself.


It’s so hard in today’s environment when everyone is on their phones and all in their own worlds.


It’s easier to sit back and not question anything. It makes life comfortable and easy to understand.


People don’t like discomfort. They don’t like to be pushed outside of their comfort zones.

Life becomes so much more interesting the more uncomfortable you get. The more you question your own identity and everything you believe in.


It’s ok to be wrong.


It’s ok to question beliefs that you’ve built your identity on.


It’s ok to change your mind.


It’s ok to grow.


As we grow older, our beliefs are more and more ingrained in us.

We refuse to look for evidence that challenges us.


That’s wrong and bad for society.


It makes us become robots controlled by this thing we see in our hand for hours at a time.


Here’s the paradox – our phones have made society smarter and stupider.


A lot of people are too distracted by social media and how it’s designed.


Yet some people are using this access to information to better humanity.


They’re working on difficult problems and learning about them all online.


That’s what is also so cool about this market crash – so many millions of people around the world are watching this, doing research and learning about how the market really works.


They’re truly trying to change society for the better. Through enough people tackling difficult issues through open innovation, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, scientific review and solid research, they’re exposing everything for what it is.


They’re showing the world no one knows anything.

Anish display picture

Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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No one knows anything

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Sep 4, 2021
Everyone's clueless, the market crash and questioning your beliefs

No one knows anything:


No one knows anything.


People are figuring it out as they go along.


I remember being a kid looking up to my parents and their friends thinking they had everything figured out.


I thought they understood how the world worked and all the other adults did as well.


Turns out that’s all a lie.


No one knows anything.


People are set in their beliefs of certain things because of their experiences, what they’ve seen in front of them their whole lives and the people around them.


But that doesn’t mean they know any more than you.


People that have lived longer are thought to be smarter than those that are younger, but what if that’s wrong?


What if people don’t know how everything works?


That’s what this market crash feels like.


It feels like the Internet exposed a secret no one knew.


How Wall Street really works.


The guys at the top know how the system works.


They know if they corner the market, naked short companies out of existence and control a majority of retail order flow on the markets, they can just play the other side of the market.


High frequency trading firms never lose money.


The issue becomes when there’s a conflict of interest between the market maker, hedge fund and treasury fund maker.


How is it allowed that they’re all allowed to exist under the same entity?


Follow the incentives and you’ll find your answer.


Naked shorting has existed for years, yet no one talks about it. 


The media won’t because they’re controlled by these same entities.

It continues to happen because the penalties for getting caught are pennies on the billions of dollars they make by doing this.


It’s easier having your population clueless to what’s really happening than to show them how everything really works.

If you told people that these same Wall Street crooks manipulated the market in their favour, got caught, ended up causing economic crises and then went to governments for bailouts, people would revolt.


Well guess what?


That’s what’s going to happen.


That’s what the Internet has done.


Expose Wall Street for what it truly is.


A few crooks in suits lining their pockets while the rest of the world struggles.


It’s bullshit and everything feels like it’s about to change.


As long as retail keeps holding shares, even as the media spins this to blame crash on retail investors, the world will change for the better.


Corruption and greed will be brought to the forefront.


This is what makes this play against Wall Street so genius.


If you get enough people to go long on a stock that these market makers and hedge funds went short against, you can entirely flip the script. 

The Internet is the largest fund in the world.


The goal of these funds is to never cover, as Marc Cuban told Reddit in January when the Gamestop squeeze first happened.


There will be many around the world who will applaud retail for what it’s done. 

Yet depending on who controls the narrative, everything could be flipped.


The media, who in America are mostly controlled by a small few, will be used to make people believe that Internet investors caused this crisis.




Wall Street did it to themselves.


The Internet just found out about their dirty game and flipped the script on them.


When you get millions of people to work together on a single issue, especially when it comes to money, you can change the world.


That’s what amazes me – no one will tell you any of this stuff.


The media is distracting you every day.


It’s not allowing you to understand how the world works.


Covid is a prime example.


It’s become political, and that’s disastrous for society.


Trust the science. Listen to the people that study this stuff their whole lives.


The problem is incentives.


Social media pushes people into following their own tribe.


If you search up anti-vax content on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or any other form of social media, their algorithms are designed to push you to see more of that content.


So it continues to brainwash people into believing that the vaccine is bad and can’t be trusted.


People love confirmation bias – to be told all their thoughts and fears are true.


If there are enough people online, even if it’s only a small group, who continue to push the same message, their content will be seen by enough people.


People love to believe lies because the truth often hurts.


It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to understand it as best as we can.


Look at the evidence. Look at the facts. Understand the counter evidence. Think for yourself.


It’s so hard in today’s environment when everyone is on their phones and all in their own worlds.


It’s easier to sit back and not question anything. It makes life comfortable and easy to understand.


People don’t like discomfort. They don’t like to be pushed outside of their comfort zones.

Life becomes so much more interesting the more uncomfortable you get. The more you question your own identity and everything you believe in.


It’s ok to be wrong.


It’s ok to question beliefs that you’ve built your identity on.


It’s ok to change your mind.


It’s ok to grow.


As we grow older, our beliefs are more and more ingrained in us.

We refuse to look for evidence that challenges us.


That’s wrong and bad for society.


It makes us become robots controlled by this thing we see in our hand for hours at a time.


Here’s the paradox – our phones have made society smarter and stupider.


A lot of people are too distracted by social media and how it’s designed.


Yet some people are using this access to information to better humanity.


They’re working on difficult problems and learning about them all online.


That’s what is also so cool about this market crash – so many millions of people around the world are watching this, doing research and learning about how the market really works.


They’re truly trying to change society for the better. Through enough people tackling difficult issues through open innovation, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, scientific review and solid research, they’re exposing everything for what it is.


They’re showing the world no one knows anything.