Say hello to people

Say hello to people

February 12, 2022

Say hello to people:

Say hello to people.

Add positivity to your interactions.

Too many people are so negative.

They’re a drag.

Always complaining about how the world wronged them.

Or how bad their situation is.

You don’t need those people.

Instead, choose to be positive.

Look for the good in people.

Look for the good in the world.

Decide what you focus on and don’t let it be negative.

It’s hard so many negative thoughts are constantly in our head.

Telling us we can’t do something.

Telling us how scary the world is.

Telling us we’ll never be worth anything.

Let those go.

Instead, focus on gratitude.

Focus on what you can appreciate.

Do you have a bed?

Do you have a shower?

Do you have food?

Do you have an education?

Do you have a functional body?

Can you read?

Do you have people that love you?

Do you have friends?

Do you have a family?

Do you have your health?

Be grateful for all of those things.

A lot of people would kill to have any of those.

We don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.

Like people dying.

We’re here one moment, gone the next.

Filled with all the what-ifs.

Especially when you have a family member die young.

It hits you differently.

It shows you your mortality.

We’re all so lucky to be on this planet.

So do something about it.

Use your time.

Don’t waste so much of it.

It’s hard when we have a job and kids and what feels like no time for ourselves.


Make time for yourself.

Get off social media.

Stop letting your algorithm control your brain.

All the apps are designed for you.

It keeps you coming back.

They’re designed to be addictive.

Yet that’s another way to add positivity to your life.

Follow positive people.

Follow people you admire.

Get rid of the negativity on your timeline.

Get rid of the news.

Get rid of the random celebrity you don’t care about.

Follow people who help you learn.

Follow those who are happy with what they’re doing.

Joe Wicks was that guy for me.

This guy is just loving life.

Loving what he does.

Adding positivity.

Explaining to people no matter what stage they are in their journey, he’s with you every step of the way.

He was a guy that changed my outlook on life.

Enjoy what you do.

Work your ass off to get there.

Show up when no one else does.

Then do it again and again for years.

Find positive role models.

Go learn their stories.

Go watch their interviews.

Go read their books.

Go learn about them.

Don’t worship any single person.

Take characteristics from different people.

Steal like an artist (fantastic book btw).

Stop complaining.

Take responsibility for your life.

Focus your time on something you want to do for you.

Then commit to being a bit better every day.

Change your perspective.

Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.

Be positive.

Say hello to people.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Say hello to people

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Feb 12, 2022
Focusing on the good, being grateful and learning from positive people

Say hello to people:

Say hello to people.

Add positivity to your interactions.

Too many people are so negative.

They’re a drag.

Always complaining about how the world wronged them.

Or how bad their situation is.

You don’t need those people.

Instead, choose to be positive.

Look for the good in people.

Look for the good in the world.

Decide what you focus on and don’t let it be negative.

It’s hard so many negative thoughts are constantly in our head.

Telling us we can’t do something.

Telling us how scary the world is.

Telling us we’ll never be worth anything.

Let those go.

Instead, focus on gratitude.

Focus on what you can appreciate.

Do you have a bed?

Do you have a shower?

Do you have food?

Do you have an education?

Do you have a functional body?

Can you read?

Do you have people that love you?

Do you have friends?

Do you have a family?

Do you have your health?

Be grateful for all of those things.

A lot of people would kill to have any of those.

We don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.

Like people dying.

We’re here one moment, gone the next.

Filled with all the what-ifs.

Especially when you have a family member die young.

It hits you differently.

It shows you your mortality.

We’re all so lucky to be on this planet.

So do something about it.

Use your time.

Don’t waste so much of it.

It’s hard when we have a job and kids and what feels like no time for ourselves.


Make time for yourself.

Get off social media.

Stop letting your algorithm control your brain.

All the apps are designed for you.

It keeps you coming back.

They’re designed to be addictive.

Yet that’s another way to add positivity to your life.

Follow positive people.

Follow people you admire.

Get rid of the negativity on your timeline.

Get rid of the news.

Get rid of the random celebrity you don’t care about.

Follow people who help you learn.

Follow those who are happy with what they’re doing.

Joe Wicks was that guy for me.

This guy is just loving life.

Loving what he does.

Adding positivity.

Explaining to people no matter what stage they are in their journey, he’s with you every step of the way.

He was a guy that changed my outlook on life.

Enjoy what you do.

Work your ass off to get there.

Show up when no one else does.

Then do it again and again for years.

Find positive role models.

Go learn their stories.

Go watch their interviews.

Go read their books.

Go learn about them.

Don’t worship any single person.

Take characteristics from different people.

Steal like an artist (fantastic book btw).

Stop complaining.

Take responsibility for your life.

Focus your time on something you want to do for you.

Then commit to being a bit better every day.

Change your perspective.

Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.

Be positive.

Say hello to people.