Stop taking everything so seriously

Stop taking everything so seriously

February 17, 2022

Stop taking everything so seriously:

Stop taking everything so seriously.

Laugh at yourself once in a while.

Learn to laugh at things that are offensive.

Was listening to Breaking Points today discuss how Trevor Noah is hosting the White House Correspondents dinner after a multi-year hiatus. 

Sagar was making a great point about how he’s one of the worst picks for the job because he’s just going to spew Democrat comedy like making fun of Trump instead of going after Biden for being a historically bad president.

Regardless of what side you support, here lies the issue these days - people don’t want to laugh at themselves.

We take offense to jokes at historically marginalized groups.

Sure those people deserve equality but that shouldn’t mean you can’t make fun of them.

It’s like what Dave Chappelle was trying to do with his trans jokes in his last few specials - he was trying to be funny.

Kevin Hart talked about this once - comics don’t say jokes to be intentionally offensive, they say them to be funny. 

Does that mean every joke will hit? No. 

Does that mean everyone will laugh at what they say? No.

Does that mean they should stop telling jokes? No.

Comedy and laughter are some of nature’s best medicines.

If we stop allowing the ability the laugh at ourselves and the craziness that’s going on in the world, we have a real problem.

You could argue we’re already there with cancel culture.

People are too afraid to say their real opinions especially if you’re in the public eye.

There are so many public figures who have all these differing opinions about the world but because of sponsorships and public image, they have to tread the party line.

It’s why Silicon Valley and Hollywood are dominated by leftist politics. 

You can’t have a contrary opinion to what the mob believes.

It’s dangerous because we can’t have evolution without differences of opinion and thought.

We need people who challenge the status quo and go against the grain.

How else are we supposed to evolve if we don’t consider all the available opinions and ideas?

We need to listen to the outside voices.

The solution for misinformation is more information. 

Yes, we need safeguards and for people to fact-check blatantly false information, but we should still hear those voices.

We should still listen to them.

Just because you don’t agree with them doesn’t mean they're wrong. 

What if actually, you’re the one that’s wrong? Ahhh (dramatic effect)

We’re all wrong about a lot of things. That’s ok.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t listen to the other side.

We need to get out of our own echo chambers and algorithms telling us the world has to be our way.

The world is a pretty complicated place that has a lot of nuance.

Here’s another problem today - everything is taken out of context.

Even the Joe Rogan racism video that was created by a Democratic Super PAC to get him canceled - that video was highly edited to show Joe saying that word out of context cut together like he was a racist.

The thing is the n-word used to be said by people in popular culture throughout the 80s and 90s. Doesn’t mean it was right but that’s what culture was like then. To take something out of context and judge people for what they did during a different time period is not fair.

But that doesn’t matter today. 

We want to judge others’ past based on today’s standards. If that’s true, we’re all screwed. We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all said things in the past we’re not proud of. Shit, you could find tons of videos of me in university saying wildly offensive shit. Doesn’t mean I’m proud of it but that’s also a different time in a different context.

So next time you’re quick to judge someone based on something they did years ago or for holding an opinion that’s opposite to yours, check yourself. 

Look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself ‘stop taking everything so seriously.’

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Stop taking everything so seriously

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Feb 17, 2022
Laughing at yourself, listening to outside voices and problems with cancel culture

Stop taking everything so seriously:

Stop taking everything so seriously.

Laugh at yourself once in a while.

Learn to laugh at things that are offensive.

Was listening to Breaking Points today discuss how Trevor Noah is hosting the White House Correspondents dinner after a multi-year hiatus. 

Sagar was making a great point about how he’s one of the worst picks for the job because he’s just going to spew Democrat comedy like making fun of Trump instead of going after Biden for being a historically bad president.

Regardless of what side you support, here lies the issue these days - people don’t want to laugh at themselves.

We take offense to jokes at historically marginalized groups.

Sure those people deserve equality but that shouldn’t mean you can’t make fun of them.

It’s like what Dave Chappelle was trying to do with his trans jokes in his last few specials - he was trying to be funny.

Kevin Hart talked about this once - comics don’t say jokes to be intentionally offensive, they say them to be funny. 

Does that mean every joke will hit? No. 

Does that mean everyone will laugh at what they say? No.

Does that mean they should stop telling jokes? No.

Comedy and laughter are some of nature’s best medicines.

If we stop allowing the ability the laugh at ourselves and the craziness that’s going on in the world, we have a real problem.

You could argue we’re already there with cancel culture.

People are too afraid to say their real opinions especially if you’re in the public eye.

There are so many public figures who have all these differing opinions about the world but because of sponsorships and public image, they have to tread the party line.

It’s why Silicon Valley and Hollywood are dominated by leftist politics. 

You can’t have a contrary opinion to what the mob believes.

It’s dangerous because we can’t have evolution without differences of opinion and thought.

We need people who challenge the status quo and go against the grain.

How else are we supposed to evolve if we don’t consider all the available opinions and ideas?

We need to listen to the outside voices.

The solution for misinformation is more information. 

Yes, we need safeguards and for people to fact-check blatantly false information, but we should still hear those voices.

We should still listen to them.

Just because you don’t agree with them doesn’t mean they're wrong. 

What if actually, you’re the one that’s wrong? Ahhh (dramatic effect)

We’re all wrong about a lot of things. That’s ok.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t listen to the other side.

We need to get out of our own echo chambers and algorithms telling us the world has to be our way.

The world is a pretty complicated place that has a lot of nuance.

Here’s another problem today - everything is taken out of context.

Even the Joe Rogan racism video that was created by a Democratic Super PAC to get him canceled - that video was highly edited to show Joe saying that word out of context cut together like he was a racist.

The thing is the n-word used to be said by people in popular culture throughout the 80s and 90s. Doesn’t mean it was right but that’s what culture was like then. To take something out of context and judge people for what they did during a different time period is not fair.

But that doesn’t matter today. 

We want to judge others’ past based on today’s standards. If that’s true, we’re all screwed. We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all said things in the past we’re not proud of. Shit, you could find tons of videos of me in university saying wildly offensive shit. Doesn’t mean I’m proud of it but that’s also a different time in a different context.

So next time you’re quick to judge someone based on something they did years ago or for holding an opinion that’s opposite to yours, check yourself. 

Look at yourself in the mirror and remind yourself ‘stop taking everything so seriously.’