Tell your story

Tell your story

January 18, 2022

Tell your story:


Tell your story.


Own it.


Listened to a Jay Shetty interview with D Wade today and he teared up at the end talking about how he was just a kid from Chicago with a big dream.


He’s been lucky enough to reach the pinnacle of a sport and have a voice.


A voice for those who don’t have one.


But that’s not true anymore.


We all have a voice.


We all have the ability to broadcast our thoughts to the world.


We can tell our stories.


Own it.

No one can tell your story as best as you can.


How many stories and experiences have never been talked about because no one recorded them?


Think about all the dead.


Cemeteries are millions of stories and memories that’ll never see the world.


History is written by the winners.


But it’s also written by those who record it.


If you choose to not record your story, that’s on you.


It’s one thing to take a bunch of pictures or use social media as a way to tell your story.


But that’s not the real you.


No one’s social media personality is who they are.


We’re all trying to present a fake version of ourselves to the world.


We only put in the good parts.


We don’t talk about the struggle.


The hard days.

The days where you don’t feel like leaving your bed.


The days where you have no motivation.


The days where everything feels shit.


No one talks about those.


But you can write about them.


You can create and tell your story through music, art, or whatever medium you want.


The world is your oyster today.


You have the ability to learn anything at any time.


You can also broadcast your story to anyone.


Love Gary Vee’s perspective on this.


Although he can sometimes be too much, his message is so true.


He’s giving everyone the secrets to how he sees the world.


Whether or not people choose to listen to him is up to them.


But he’s giving with all his heart.


One of the things he talks about is being authentic and talking about your story.


Post about the shit you actually like, whether or not people actually care.


You just have to do that again and again for years with no payoff.


Continuing to improve, working at it every day, spending the time to actually learn the craft.


That’s what this writing journey has been for me.


It’s made me realize I’ve lived a pretty interesting life and I might as well tell someone about it.


If even one person has learned something through my writing, I’ve done my job.


Humans are just vessels of knowledge.


The goal is to allow humanity to advance and deal with our existential problems before we all blow ourselves up.


We can only do that through open innovation.

Through teaching the next generation.


Allowing people to tools to build the future.


Education is the way to do that.


Cannot wait till we get more people in Africa and India online learning.


The dissemination of information is now equal to everyone.


(This is without censorship and Internet restrictions, which exist everywhere, but still).


We can access the world’s knowledge and history instantaneously.


That’s a superpower.


It also means you can broadcast your story to the world.


So tell it.


Own it.


All the good and bad.


Do it for you.


Imagine you are your audience.


Make something for you.


Make something for your future self.


Tell your story.

Anish display picture

Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Tell your story

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Jan 18, 2022
Owning your story, having a voice and creating for yourself

Tell your story:


Tell your story.


Own it.


Listened to a Jay Shetty interview with D Wade today and he teared up at the end talking about how he was just a kid from Chicago with a big dream.


He’s been lucky enough to reach the pinnacle of a sport and have a voice.


A voice for those who don’t have one.


But that’s not true anymore.


We all have a voice.


We all have the ability to broadcast our thoughts to the world.


We can tell our stories.


Own it.

No one can tell your story as best as you can.


How many stories and experiences have never been talked about because no one recorded them?


Think about all the dead.


Cemeteries are millions of stories and memories that’ll never see the world.


History is written by the winners.


But it’s also written by those who record it.


If you choose to not record your story, that’s on you.


It’s one thing to take a bunch of pictures or use social media as a way to tell your story.


But that’s not the real you.


No one’s social media personality is who they are.


We’re all trying to present a fake version of ourselves to the world.


We only put in the good parts.


We don’t talk about the struggle.


The hard days.

The days where you don’t feel like leaving your bed.


The days where you have no motivation.


The days where everything feels shit.


No one talks about those.


But you can write about them.


You can create and tell your story through music, art, or whatever medium you want.


The world is your oyster today.


You have the ability to learn anything at any time.


You can also broadcast your story to anyone.


Love Gary Vee’s perspective on this.


Although he can sometimes be too much, his message is so true.


He’s giving everyone the secrets to how he sees the world.


Whether or not people choose to listen to him is up to them.


But he’s giving with all his heart.


One of the things he talks about is being authentic and talking about your story.


Post about the shit you actually like, whether or not people actually care.


You just have to do that again and again for years with no payoff.


Continuing to improve, working at it every day, spending the time to actually learn the craft.


That’s what this writing journey has been for me.


It’s made me realize I’ve lived a pretty interesting life and I might as well tell someone about it.


If even one person has learned something through my writing, I’ve done my job.


Humans are just vessels of knowledge.


The goal is to allow humanity to advance and deal with our existential problems before we all blow ourselves up.


We can only do that through open innovation.

Through teaching the next generation.


Allowing people to tools to build the future.


Education is the way to do that.


Cannot wait till we get more people in Africa and India online learning.


The dissemination of information is now equal to everyone.


(This is without censorship and Internet restrictions, which exist everywhere, but still).


We can access the world’s knowledge and history instantaneously.


That’s a superpower.


It also means you can broadcast your story to the world.


So tell it.


Own it.


All the good and bad.


Do it for you.


Imagine you are your audience.


Make something for you.


Make something for your future self.


Tell your story.