Your writing is wild

Your writing is wild

February 3, 2022

Your writing is wild:

Your writing is wild.

Just re-read my last medium post about how the banks are going to collapse, and it’s wild.

People must think I’m an insane person.


It’s not about now.

It’s about what happens in this next crisis.

Did I actually know what was going to happen in the world, or am I just another crazy person?

The difference is I wrote it down.

It’s time-stamped.

If the news actually plays out like I think, this will be gold.

Or it could all be nothing.

That’s the best part though.

It’s not nothing.

All of this is practice.

This is just getting reps in.

I’m not close to my potential.

I have a long way to go.

A lot more crazy things to write about.

No matter what, keep writing.

Keep being honest.

Keep writing your wild ideas.

You never know what will stick.

All you can control is effort.

You don’t control outcomes.

Keep at it.

Again and again.

The constant repetition.

Compounding reps over time.

Your time will come.

You’ve been busting your ass for years with what may seem like no progress, but that’s not true.

The personal growth you’ve undergone has been exponential.

The best part is I just started.

I haven’t done anything yet.

There’s so much more to do and experience.

Keep going through all the negativity.

Who cares if people think your writing is wild?

They will discredit you.

The media will turn against you.

Your friends will turn against you.

They’ll step away.

All good.

You don’t need everyone to like you.

As long as you have people close to you love and respect you, everyone else’s opinion is irrelevant.

So keep being wild.

Don’t stop your wild writing.

Anish display picture

Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Your writing is wild

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Feb 3, 2022
My wild writing, constant repetition and continuing to write

Your writing is wild:

Your writing is wild.

Just re-read my last medium post about how the banks are going to collapse, and it’s wild.

People must think I’m an insane person.


It’s not about now.

It’s about what happens in this next crisis.

Did I actually know what was going to happen in the world, or am I just another crazy person?

The difference is I wrote it down.

It’s time-stamped.

If the news actually plays out like I think, this will be gold.

Or it could all be nothing.

That’s the best part though.

It’s not nothing.

All of this is practice.

This is just getting reps in.

I’m not close to my potential.

I have a long way to go.

A lot more crazy things to write about.

No matter what, keep writing.

Keep being honest.

Keep writing your wild ideas.

You never know what will stick.

All you can control is effort.

You don’t control outcomes.

Keep at it.

Again and again.

The constant repetition.

Compounding reps over time.

Your time will come.

You’ve been busting your ass for years with what may seem like no progress, but that’s not true.

The personal growth you’ve undergone has been exponential.

The best part is I just started.

I haven’t done anything yet.

There’s so much more to do and experience.

Keep going through all the negativity.

Who cares if people think your writing is wild?

They will discredit you.

The media will turn against you.

Your friends will turn against you.

They’ll step away.

All good.

You don’t need everyone to like you.

As long as you have people close to you love and respect you, everyone else’s opinion is irrelevant.

So keep being wild.

Don’t stop your wild writing.