Reddit is the best part of this squeeze

Reddit is the best part of this squeeze

May 19, 2021

Reddit is the best part of this squeeze:


What amazes me about this whole AMC and GME movement is how it's the best of the Internet.


Keith Gill, aka DFV, saw a flaw in the financial system, posted about it online and changed everything.


While that happened, millions of people around the world became investigative reporters and dug into what’s happening with the hedge funds in charge. Turns out they uncovered so much more than they thought.


Atobitt is a GOAT of all GOATs in this movement. The due diligence that guy put together is nothing short of incredible and he deserves a Pulitzer prize for his work. I’m not even joking. His insight could single-handedly have exposed Citadel as a complete fraud, ala Enron. I’ve told many others about what this guy’s done and shared it with politicians and reporters because they need to know.


This guy basically gave them the playbook of where to look.


When Citadel’s actions bring down the world economy, they better be punished. Because the world is watching.


The other group of people on Reddit are meme artists. People online around the world with great humour who are creating hilarious memes about the whole situation.


It’s hilarious to be a part of. Yet it’s incredible.


It shows you the best of humanity.


How people online around the world can act together to change the world.


People having fun. People doing work.


People sharing with others.


The other amazing thing about this movement is the more people jump in, the more people whose lives are changed forever. 


They may get a shot at life that they never had before.

In today’s society where inequality has been exacerbated to heights that hasn’t been seen since the 1930s, everyone deserves an equal shot at life.


It’s gotten less equal around the world, particularly for people in America.


Rich people mostly own the stock market and they’ve had one of the best financial years of their lives.


No shit. When the federal reserve is printing free money by giving it to the banks in zero interest rate environments, everyone makes money. It’s why the stock market has ran up, as well as the cryptocurrency market. The US Federal reserve is also conducting QE which is essentially buying corporate bonds to keep the stock market afloat.


All that’s done is increase rich people’s wealth.


On paper.


But that’s the thing with market crashes.


That value gets wiped out.


Not totally.


But significantly enough to where trillions of dollars disappear.


It’s good because downturns are healthy for markets.


They need to evolve.


You need to get rid of the zombie companies and let the winners continue.


The problem in today’s environment is Covid.


Covid ruined traditional businesses that are only getting back on their feet.


What if their stock price gets slashed in half by 50%?


It means they can’t raise as much money from the market, meaning they have to take on more debt from the banks. If the interest rates increase, then companies and people have to pay more in interest. The problem is people don’t have extra cash lying around.

A lot of zombie companies are going to die.

Yet we’re at the beginning of the largest redistribution of wealth in the history of the stock market.


My life will change forever but so many other people’s lives will as well.


They’ll be able to afford medical bills, buy their parent’s houses, stop working at their shitty job and retire from work.




Thank you Reddit, superstonk, Atobitt, Trey, Dave Lauer, Joshua, Houston, superstonk mods and all the other beautiful people who were a part of this movement.


You guys changed the world.


I’m glad I got to be a part of it.

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Anish Kaushal

Hey there. I'm an Indo-British Canadian doctor turned healthcare venture capitalist. I read, write and obsess over sports in my spare time. Lover of Reggaeton music, podcasts and Oreo Mcflurries.
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Reddit is the best part of this squeeze

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May 19, 2021
Reddit's role in this AMC/GME short squeeze

Reddit is the best part of this squeeze:


What amazes me about this whole AMC and GME movement is how it's the best of the Internet.


Keith Gill, aka DFV, saw a flaw in the financial system, posted about it online and changed everything.


While that happened, millions of people around the world became investigative reporters and dug into what’s happening with the hedge funds in charge. Turns out they uncovered so much more than they thought.


Atobitt is a GOAT of all GOATs in this movement. The due diligence that guy put together is nothing short of incredible and he deserves a Pulitzer prize for his work. I’m not even joking. His insight could single-handedly have exposed Citadel as a complete fraud, ala Enron. I’ve told many others about what this guy’s done and shared it with politicians and reporters because they need to know.


This guy basically gave them the playbook of where to look.


When Citadel’s actions bring down the world economy, they better be punished. Because the world is watching.


The other group of people on Reddit are meme artists. People online around the world with great humour who are creating hilarious memes about the whole situation.


It’s hilarious to be a part of. Yet it’s incredible.


It shows you the best of humanity.


How people online around the world can act together to change the world.


People having fun. People doing work.


People sharing with others.


The other amazing thing about this movement is the more people jump in, the more people whose lives are changed forever. 


They may get a shot at life that they never had before.

In today’s society where inequality has been exacerbated to heights that hasn’t been seen since the 1930s, everyone deserves an equal shot at life.


It’s gotten less equal around the world, particularly for people in America.


Rich people mostly own the stock market and they’ve had one of the best financial years of their lives.


No shit. When the federal reserve is printing free money by giving it to the banks in zero interest rate environments, everyone makes money. It’s why the stock market has ran up, as well as the cryptocurrency market. The US Federal reserve is also conducting QE which is essentially buying corporate bonds to keep the stock market afloat.


All that’s done is increase rich people’s wealth.


On paper.


But that’s the thing with market crashes.


That value gets wiped out.


Not totally.


But significantly enough to where trillions of dollars disappear.


It’s good because downturns are healthy for markets.


They need to evolve.


You need to get rid of the zombie companies and let the winners continue.


The problem in today’s environment is Covid.


Covid ruined traditional businesses that are only getting back on their feet.


What if their stock price gets slashed in half by 50%?


It means they can’t raise as much money from the market, meaning they have to take on more debt from the banks. If the interest rates increase, then companies and people have to pay more in interest. The problem is people don’t have extra cash lying around.

A lot of zombie companies are going to die.

Yet we’re at the beginning of the largest redistribution of wealth in the history of the stock market.


My life will change forever but so many other people’s lives will as well.


They’ll be able to afford medical bills, buy their parent’s houses, stop working at their shitty job and retire from work.




Thank you Reddit, superstonk, Atobitt, Trey, Dave Lauer, Joshua, Houston, superstonk mods and all the other beautiful people who were a part of this movement.


You guys changed the world.


I’m glad I got to be a part of it.