Discipline is Destiny

Discipline is Destiny
Ryan Holiday    


Ryan Holiday's newest book about maintaining discipline. Lot of good one-liners but not my favourite Holiday book

Rating: 4/5


In the ancient world, virtue is comprised of 4 components: courage, temperance, justice and wisdom

Timeless law of the universe: we must keep ourselves in check or risk ruin

‘The most powerful is he who has himself in his own power’ - Seneca

When you love the work, you don’t cheat it or the demands it asks of you

Discipline isn’t deprivation, it brings its own rewards

We owe it to ourselves, to our goals, to the game, to keep going. To keep pushing. To stay pure. To be tough. To conquer our bodies before they conquer us.

When we desire more than we need, we make ourselves vulnerable

The space where great work is done is holy. We must respect it

Consistency is a superpower

We don’t rise to the occasion, we fall to the level of our training

Always and forever, the reward is the work

Succeeds breeds softness

No one can carry on forever. You need to rest and take breaks so you can last forever

To last, to be great, you have to understand how to rest

Greatness is not just what one does but also what one refuses to do

The main thing in life is to keep the main thing the main thing

No one can say yes to their destiny without saying no to what is clearly someone else’s

Patience is the primary ingredient of genius - Thomas Edison

Another way to spell perfectionism is paralysis

Transitions are as important as achievements

Fear makes your mind sharper. When you have nothing to fear, your mind becomes dull

We are all going to lose. Nobody stays undefeated for long in this life

‘Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less’ - Robert Greene

Of all the addictions in the world, the most intoxicating and hardest to control is ambition

When your choices turn you into someone who has to worry about money, then you are not rich, no matter how much you make

The best way to manage the load is to share the load

Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself

Courage, according to hemingway, is grace under pressure

Being the boss is a job. Being a leader is something you earn

A leader has to show, not tell. First in line for duty, last in line for recognition

Be a friend to yourself

The person who cannot resist and give up control is a danger to themselves and their organizations

Greatness isn’t what you have. It’s who you choose to become or who you choose to remain

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage - Seneca

Words don’t matter, deeds do


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Make Something Wonderful   
Steve Jobs         


The life of Steve Jobs in his own words

Rating: 5/5


Make something wonderful and put it out there

‘You appear, have a chance to blaze in the sky, then you disappear’

When you’re a stranger in a place, you notice thing you don’t otherwise (Jobs after India trip)

Whenever you start with nothing, always shoot for the moon. You have nothing to lose.

You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times

Never be afraid to fail. You never achieve what you want without falling flat on your face a few times

We are never taught to listen to our intuitions, to develop and nurture them. But if you do pay attention to these subtle insights, you can make them come true

Creativity equals connecting previously unrelated experiences and insights others don’t see

Believe that some of what you follow with your heart will come back and make your life richer. And it will. And you will gain even firmer trust on your instincts and intuitions

Make your avocation your vocation. Make what you love your work.

The journey is the reward. The reward isn’t in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it’s in crossing the rainbow

To find A+ talent, if experienced, look at their track record and results

The world we know is a human creation and we can push it forward

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do (read whole ad ‘here’s to the crazy ones)

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

Hire people better than you are

You can’t plan to meet the people who will change your life

It’s impossible to connect the dots looking forward, but they make sense looking backwards so you have to trust the dots will somehow connect in your future

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people no smarter than you


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Discipline is Destiny

Notes and Quotes
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Discipline is Destiny
Ryan Holiday    


Ryan Holiday's newest book about maintaining discipline. Lot of good one-liners but not my favourite Holiday book

Rating: 4/5


In the ancient world, virtue is comprised of 4 components: courage, temperance, justice and wisdom

Timeless law of the universe: we must keep ourselves in check or risk ruin

‘The most powerful is he who has himself in his own power’ - Seneca

When you love the work, you don’t cheat it or the demands it asks of you

Discipline isn’t deprivation, it brings its own rewards

We owe it to ourselves, to our goals, to the game, to keep going. To keep pushing. To stay pure. To be tough. To conquer our bodies before they conquer us.

When we desire more than we need, we make ourselves vulnerable

The space where great work is done is holy. We must respect it

Consistency is a superpower

We don’t rise to the occasion, we fall to the level of our training

Always and forever, the reward is the work

Succeeds breeds softness

No one can carry on forever. You need to rest and take breaks so you can last forever

To last, to be great, you have to understand how to rest

Greatness is not just what one does but also what one refuses to do

The main thing in life is to keep the main thing the main thing

No one can say yes to their destiny without saying no to what is clearly someone else’s

Patience is the primary ingredient of genius - Thomas Edison

Another way to spell perfectionism is paralysis

Transitions are as important as achievements

Fear makes your mind sharper. When you have nothing to fear, your mind becomes dull

We are all going to lose. Nobody stays undefeated for long in this life

‘Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less’ - Robert Greene

Of all the addictions in the world, the most intoxicating and hardest to control is ambition

When your choices turn you into someone who has to worry about money, then you are not rich, no matter how much you make

The best way to manage the load is to share the load

Be tolerant of others and strict with yourself

Courage, according to hemingway, is grace under pressure

Being the boss is a job. Being a leader is something you earn

A leader has to show, not tell. First in line for duty, last in line for recognition

Be a friend to yourself

The person who cannot resist and give up control is a danger to themselves and their organizations

Greatness isn’t what you have. It’s who you choose to become or who you choose to remain

Sometimes even to live is an act of courage - Seneca

Words don’t matter, deeds do


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