The Anthology of Balajis

The Anthology of Balajis
Eric Jorgenson       


Insights from one of the smartest men on the planet

Rating: 4/5


Create a product - solve a product and build

The state is against you

Money is only a tool, what really matters is building something money can’t buy

Feel no hesitation in starting small and no shame in dreaming big

Technology theory of value is better than the labour theory of value

Software is where all the value creation is going to come from. It will be software creating value and everything else executing it

Systemic risk happens when you stop taking risks and get stuck in a system that no longer improves

Risk aversion is reward aversion

It’s really hard to make something easy

Every area the government touches sees prices inflate

Technology is the driving force of history

The 20th century was the centralized century

Everything technology is doing means more upside and more downside

Crypto is a technology for creating alignment

Crypto allows free markets without corporations

In the future, most value will be created online and executed by robotics

The overabundance of sugar is why people are so fat now

Cocaine in coke will be like high fructose syrup in food

Transhumanism - self-improvement with technology (thinks all of tech will focus on this)

Many things that are true are unpopular; many things that are popular are untrue

If it’s not independent reproducible, it’s not science

Early trust as scientific truth what can be independently verified

Technical truths are true even if no one believes them to be true

Politics at its root is about tribes, not truth

Costly speech means only the wealthy can speak freely

Unpopular truth is a reliable source of profit

You have a digital history; an unattainable history. EVeryone can know what happened when

How to change the world: discover true factors and acquire sufficient distribution

‘They call it the media because is mediates our interpretation of reality’

If you are what you eat, then you think what you see

The nature of legacy media: if it enrages, it engages

Ownership of media companies is inherited - the owners are pure nepotists

Media companies are corporations and their interests don’t align with you so act accordingly

You have to work order what you’re paying attention to

Media scripts humans just as computer code scripts machines

Own a media corporation or be owned by one

We need to create a peaceful media ecosystem full of inspirational content for technological progressives

To get lucky you must first take a chance

Everyone wants a piece of the reward, no one wants a piece of the risk

Bad leaders divide, great leaders create

We are entering the golden age for builders

Think big, start small. Prove then scale

To attract attention is to attract negative attention

Always hire people who are better than you

As scale increases, alignment decreases

Before candidates join your company, have them write out what they would consider as success, mediocrity and failure (bull, base and bear case)

It’s not the idea, it’s the execution

Haters just hate themselves - they are rooting for somebody else’s failure because they don’t have the courage to try themselves

Social media is about to become far more monetizable and lucrative than people think


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Make Something Wonderful   
Steve Jobs         


The life of Steve Jobs in his own words

Rating: 5/5


Make something wonderful and put it out there

‘You appear, have a chance to blaze in the sky, then you disappear’

When you’re a stranger in a place, you notice thing you don’t otherwise (Jobs after India trip)

Whenever you start with nothing, always shoot for the moon. You have nothing to lose.

You never achieve what you want without falling on your face a few times

Never be afraid to fail. You never achieve what you want without falling flat on your face a few times

We are never taught to listen to our intuitions, to develop and nurture them. But if you do pay attention to these subtle insights, you can make them come true

Creativity equals connecting previously unrelated experiences and insights others don’t see

Believe that some of what you follow with your heart will come back and make your life richer. And it will. And you will gain even firmer trust on your instincts and intuitions

Make your avocation your vocation. Make what you love your work.

The journey is the reward. The reward isn’t in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it’s in crossing the rainbow

To find A+ talent, if experienced, look at their track record and results

The world we know is a human creation and we can push it forward

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do (read whole ad ‘here’s to the crazy ones)

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

Hire people better than you are

You can’t plan to meet the people who will change your life

It’s impossible to connect the dots looking forward, but they make sense looking backwards so you have to trust the dots will somehow connect in your future

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people no smarter than you


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The Anthology of Balajis

Notes and Quotes
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The Anthology of Balajis
Eric Jorgenson       


Insights from one of the smartest men on the planet

Rating: 4/5


Create a product - solve a product and build

The state is against you

Money is only a tool, what really matters is building something money can’t buy

Feel no hesitation in starting small and no shame in dreaming big

Technology theory of value is better than the labour theory of value

Software is where all the value creation is going to come from. It will be software creating value and everything else executing it

Systemic risk happens when you stop taking risks and get stuck in a system that no longer improves

Risk aversion is reward aversion

It’s really hard to make something easy

Every area the government touches sees prices inflate

Technology is the driving force of history

The 20th century was the centralized century

Everything technology is doing means more upside and more downside

Crypto is a technology for creating alignment

Crypto allows free markets without corporations

In the future, most value will be created online and executed by robotics

The overabundance of sugar is why people are so fat now

Cocaine in coke will be like high fructose syrup in food

Transhumanism - self-improvement with technology (thinks all of tech will focus on this)

Many things that are true are unpopular; many things that are popular are untrue

If it’s not independent reproducible, it’s not science

Early trust as scientific truth what can be independently verified

Technical truths are true even if no one believes them to be true

Politics at its root is about tribes, not truth

Costly speech means only the wealthy can speak freely

Unpopular truth is a reliable source of profit

You have a digital history; an unattainable history. EVeryone can know what happened when

How to change the world: discover true factors and acquire sufficient distribution

‘They call it the media because is mediates our interpretation of reality’

If you are what you eat, then you think what you see

The nature of legacy media: if it enrages, it engages

Ownership of media companies is inherited - the owners are pure nepotists

Media companies are corporations and their interests don’t align with you so act accordingly

You have to work order what you’re paying attention to

Media scripts humans just as computer code scripts machines

Own a media corporation or be owned by one

We need to create a peaceful media ecosystem full of inspirational content for technological progressives

To get lucky you must first take a chance

Everyone wants a piece of the reward, no one wants a piece of the risk

Bad leaders divide, great leaders create

We are entering the golden age for builders

Think big, start small. Prove then scale

To attract attention is to attract negative attention

Always hire people who are better than you

As scale increases, alignment decreases

Before candidates join your company, have them write out what they would consider as success, mediocrity and failure (bull, base and bear case)

It’s not the idea, it’s the execution

Haters just hate themselves - they are rooting for somebody else’s failure because they don’t have the courage to try themselves

Social media is about to become far more monetizable and lucrative than people think


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